Stone Keeper
Female 75 years old Hayesville, North Carolina United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 916
[ 3 ]
02/14/2010 15:37:13 |
Drumming, Celtic, Native American, Easy listening, Country, Classical, Calipso, Island, Oldies from 50's to 70's, Elton John, Eric Clampton... Can't stand Hip Hop, Heavy Metal, Rock or what I call Headbanger music.
"The Secret", "Celestine Prophecy", "Love is in the Earth", "Hands of Light", "The Healers Manual". As you can see, I don't read a lot of fiction but I do enjoy historical fiction like "Clan of the Cave Bear".
I would be hard pressed to select a favorite color. There are so many colors that I love. I guess the only way to pick a favorite is to say my favorite color is the rainbow.
Humm... I will have to think about this one. Because I like so many different foods, I would be hard pressed to choose just a favorite. But I guess it would be a toss up between seafood, Mexican, Chineese and wild game. But I guess my all time favorite would have to be either elk or emu.
I am a very stiritual person who enjoys the more natural thing in life. I have a lot of health problems that limit my ability to go on long walks and camping trips like I used to do. But I still enjoy the out of doors in nice weather.
Soft wind on my face. Warm sunshine. All the jewels that nature has to offer. Flowers in spring. (Especially the Hill Country of Texas in spring.) A cool drink of water on a hot summer day. Lemonade. Walking beside the ocean after a storm to see what the Sea has offered up. The feel of fur against my skin. Satin, silk and velvet. The smell of leather. The soft velvety mussel of a horse. Watching kittens play. The smell of fresh cut grass. Watermellon and cantelope. Juicy peaches. Ripe figs. Persimmons. Barbeque. A babies tiny hand wrapped around my finger. New ducklings and baby chicks. Birds singing. Drumming and the sound of drumming. Crafting things with my hands. The crunch of fall leaves under my feet. Rain on tin roof. Sitting by a babbling brook. Waterfalls. Collecting stones. Collecting feathers. Antiquing. Garage sales. Gem and mineral shows. Getting together with freinds and family. Old movies. Candlelight. Celtic music. Playing card games or board games. A good book. Slow dancing. Sitting around the campfire. Picnics. Chocolate.
Loud music. Cold weather. Crowds. Doing laundry. Cold feet. Apartment dwelling. Big cities. Stairs. Fast food. Oysters. Walking barefoot. Coffee!! Housework. Dust storms. Tornadoes. Hurricanes. Any kind of bad weather. I'm sure that I will think of more later!
Collecting feathers. Collecting gems and minerals. Making jewelry. Sewing.
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