Female 81 years old Indianapolis, Indiana United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1021
[ 12 ]
08/10/2014 22:29:22 |
Under the Tuscan Sun
Remember the Titans
The Harry Potter movies
National Treasure one and two
country and instrumentals
I live in Indianapolis with a dear friend, have two children and five grandchildren.
My friend has two children and five granchildren to so we devide our time between Indiana and Kentucky
married my friend five years ago and we still live in Indianapolis. He is a great grandpa now the little ones are great, keep you young.
I like Painting in all mediums, have been in the arts for 26 years.
Love to read, take pictures,make slideshows for the grandchildren, travel when it allows and of course I like doing things on my computer.
making animated tags for my computer groups
and painting
sunshinea843 has 3 friend(s)