Female 60 years old Woodston, Kansas United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1712
[ 28 ]
08/11/2010 19:29:17 |
GONE WITH THE WIND... Passion Of The Christ; The Nativity; The Bucket List; Mamma Mia; BATMAN..(like my little friend WEEDOT); SpongeBob;
BIBLE; GONE WITH THE WIND; SCARLETT; (SOUTHERN DAUGHTER)..The Life Of Margaret Mitchell; The Left Behind Series; Lonesome Dove; Bill O'Reilly's Culture Warrior; You Can Run But You Can't Hide, Dog The Bounty Hunter Story.; Become A Better You and Your Best Life Now; by Joel Osteen; Life Lessons...Corrie Ten Boom.;
Joyful226 my good friend
I'm going to be a grandma-ma again in Dec. Hoping it's a girl this time. I love all my boys; but it's time for a girl this time. My daughter said she prayed really hard for a little girl. Said this was her last. I feel it in my bones, It will be a girl..(THINK PINK.)
I'm friendly, I'll lend a helping hand to anyone in need. Including my enemies (if I have any anymore.) I LOVE to work; I am a bigger disciplinarian to myself than anyone could be to me. KEEP ME BUSY..I'll be happy.
Getting to know new people; visiting friends; yacking on the phone; I LIKE BROCCOLI TOO.....
Negative people and BACKBITING....ALL WRONG !!!!!!!
QUILTING; gardening; pencil drawing; portraits and landscapes; jigsaw puzzles; sewing; working; reading; cooking.