Looking to meet new friends
Female 64 years old Racine United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1335
[ 3 ]
Christian - other |
08/31/2008 21:05:14 |
School of Rock, Color Purple, Forest Gump and many many more!!!!
The best book I have read in a very long time is Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers!! There are to many more to remember I read a lot !!!
I like a lot of different colors, mostly shades of purple with turquoise and mint green and different shades of blue
Fried chicken, Chinese Food Pizza with lots of mushrooms and many more things that I can't think of right now!!!
I am a born again Christian for the last 8 years. That is the main thing about who I am. I have two grown kids. My daughter and i own a house together along with her 9 year old son who is the light of my life. I have a son who has three sons. I have been single for a long time ( since becomming a Christian and loving it) the father of my two kids was killed by a drunk driver in 1986. Had a few bad relationships after that. Unless the Lord brings me a man who loves Him more than anything, I plan on staying single!! I have a job that I love at a hospital working at the switchboard. I have good co-workers some have become good friends.
I like to laugh and be with people who like to see the funny side of life. I like to talk to other christians about the goodness of our Lord. I like to read good Christian Fiction and Christian living books and of course the Bible.
I like good movies and good food. I love animals of all kinds. I love spending time with my grandsons (4). And I love being outside in Nature.
I love my job as a hospital switchboard person.
I hate it when people use the Lord's name as a cuss word. I don't like two faced people. I hate reality t.v!!!
reading, watching good movies at home, or at the movies. going out to eat Hanging out with my grandsons
thekingskid28 has 2 friend(s)