Female 78 years old Florida United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1045
[ 95 ]
Christian - other |
03/08/2013 10:00:12 |
I like a good movie: Love Stories Science Fiction. Some Documentaries have been teriffic also." A MUST SEE MOVE"
February Move: Somewhere in Time starring Christopher Reeves
Music can move the soul and change one's mood. MUSIC IS GOOD!! I like Kenny G and Inigma and Moody Blues (Nights in White Satin). Cat Stevens had a few good ones too. ALL THE OLDIES BUT GOODIES will always be my favorites.
I too used to love to read. Just never have time to do it anymore so busy making a living. Retired now, and Volunteer. Still don't have enought time in one day.
My favorite colors are lilac/lavender and purples
Pecan Pie, Butter Pecan Ice Cream, Hagen Daz Rum Raisen Ice Cream I like Mexican, Chinese and Greek foods. Heck there isn't many foods I don't like. Food is good!!
I STILL like couponing and being thrifty. Who am I kidding being retired requires it even more $$ :-)
I liked my computer with the xp but gave it away after moving and hate one with Vista. Planning on updating later this year hopefully.
Not much I don't like in the line of foods expect raw fish etc I don't like users, con men, and rude obnoxious people.
I used to love to sew and crochet. Hate this new REWARD PROGRAMS everyone is pushing off on us. Will play thier game though and try to still beat them at it :)
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