Getting to know threemilewalker
Female 77 years old Groton, Vermont United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 781
[ 5 ]
04/22/2020 14:54:18 |
Any movie with Paul Newman in it.
I love any kind of music except hard rock, heavy metal or rap. I especially like easy listening and country. Give me 50s and 60s anytime.
I am always reading a Nora Roberts. Love her J.D. Robb series. I also usually have a professional development book going - am currently reading ALPHA GIRLS.
Almost any shade of blue or green
Any fruit and vegetable. Seafood!!
School has started. I work in "Heaven". A can do job in a fun do place!
I enjoy an interesting mix of stay-at-home and get-out-and-go activities. You guessed it, I walk three miles a day - sometimes more. I love to bike, hike, and canoe. But I also love to do Sudoku, play cribbage, backgammon, sew, cook, and read.
My family and freinds. I like people, food, animals, most games, and to have a fun time. I love humor and always read the "funnies" first when I pick up the paper.
I don't like intolerance, manipulative people, smoking, dusting and vacuuming.
Reading, Sudoku, walking, gardening except for weeding, my pets - all adopted, two cats and a dog.
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