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71 years old
United States

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Profile Views: 1631
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Profile Views: 1632

JOB: Homemaker
RELIGION: Protestant
MEMBER SINCE: 04/19/2008
STAR SIGN: Sagittarius
LAST LOGIN: 08/19/2016 12:12:27

Stranger Than Fiction, Babe, Nell, Children of a Lesser God, & I just can't help myself, I love Face Off.

I love all sorts of music. It is a passion to me. I'm not much of a musician, but I have a fairly extensive music collection. As far as Christian music, I love Fernando Ortega. I also like Gospel Bluegrass. I enjoy many groups & soloists. I am an ole' classic rocker, but I like Country, too. I was raised with a stereo in my house & my Mom is a marvelous pianist. I'll listen to about any kind of music.

The Bible is always a good book to read. I also read books on Biblical topics now & then - kinda picky about authors, though. I love poetry & quotation books. I enjoyed the Mitford series. I like to read Amy Tan. I like autobiographies & biographies. Love to look at cookbooks. I seldom like romance novels.

I like shades of green. I lean toward heathers & earthy colors.

Spicy Chinese, Italian, Spicy Mexican. A good old-fashioned hamburger is soul food. Beans, beans, any kind of beans. I'm always ready for dessert!

So glad you dropped by -
Seems my kids keep me pretty busy at Facebook these days. They are all at that website, posting pictures that I want to see & tidbits of information about their days. Regardless, I am so very glad that NOTH continues to do so well. I'm going to try to do a little better about checking in (as I really do care about the folks here) Anyway,take good care of one another as you go about your days. Blessings to you all.
I am always thinking of my friendships here.

I love Jesus first of all. I love my husband, our families, our dog, Chloe, my Frister, CatchnMyDream (whom you can find on this website). I'm a faithful friend, but must admit to being somewhat a hermit. I'm kind of an ole' cowgirl/hippie. Yes, it can happen!
I tend to be a contemplator & a philosopher.
About the tattoos - they're my design. There's one on each of my legs above my heel. They're about 3½" tall. I like to think that their roots are deep into the earth when the winds of life are blowin' hard.

I love dogs & trees. I love all animals & I love to look at nature. I love the sound of birds singing. I like all genres of music. I like all creative avenues. I love the sound of laughter! I'm so thankful to God for the ability to enjoy His creation.

I despise abuse of any kind toward people & animals. I don't like dishonesty. I don't like gossip. I don't like litter & I wish people would stop littering. I hate the thought of people driving while intoxicated.

I love to spend time with my husband & my dog. Dogs are one of my favorite subjects. I like poetry & photography. The pictures in the galleries & the writings that may appear from time to time will likely be my own. I like to play on my computer. I like to read when I'm in the mood, as well as sew & cook - when I'm in the mood. Music is a necessity!!

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