I think it is a problem that we all have. Why does weed grow better than the plants that we take care so much about and fuss about: spray, fertilise, water or sing to them, they will wither for the slightest strong rays of the sun and die at the first shower. But the weed, it thrives! No special care and there it is mocking at you from every nook and corner and occupying the best part of the flower bed or the vege patch, No slungs, caterpillars or any other insect to harm them.
You remove it and move on to the next and turn around; there it is already looking at you. I don't know how they do it.
I am steadily losing the war and sick of singing " Where have all the flowers gone"! I should be singning" Autumn leaves" even in the summer! Makes no difference.
I have decided to grow weed (period)! It's the only way I can win- I think.