Stopping by to say hello ...
And if old man winter avoids you, you're probably thankful:) Then... there are those of uswho love the white stuff and allit's magical scenes and senses linked w/awesome memories. Happy Weekend!
Hope your week is filled w/fun, smiles & anticipation:) *hugs*
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas! Enjoy it all:) *hugs* -di
Let's take a picture of a purrrrr-fect Caturday! What a wonderful weekend is in store weather wise.
Find something that makes your heart smile and just do it today!
It will help give your heart peace for the entire weekend and the week to come.
Rest up for whatever will come your way for the rest of the month.
Let your soul be refreshed and let the blessings pour down upon you!
I know some of you don't drink coffee, so I hope you will enjoy a cup of tea with me!
If you are having a difficult day, just take some quiet time and look up.
Find someone to share some special time with today. It might make your day but it just might make their day too.
Don't be in such a hurry to change things but make the most of each step you take.
Make this Wednesday the best day ever for you and others!
Good Rainy Tuesday Morning! Possibly 5"-8" in 36 hours!
We will need the umbrella to get out Tacos today.
By tomorrow, we may need a boat to get around.
Today we will just be looking for a dry spot.
Many of you will get this rain after us so find your umbrella and get ready!
Oh! I got a hair cut short on Sunday afternoon. It feels so light and I love it. The best thing is my Hubby loves it too.
It is Eclipse Monday and we are going to probably have clouds and rain.
So we are moving slowly today! We can't go anywhere because of all the traffic and people who have come to see the eclipse.
So we will find some way to enjoy the day and something to do in the yard.
Sharing flowers with someone you love makes every day the perfect day.
Hope your Monday is off to a great start for this new week of Spring!
May your Sunday bring you all the happiness that you deserve.
Life has a way of throwing a curveball at us every now and then so we learn from it and grow.
Find peace today in Jesus and every day within yourself and share that with others.
Leave a trail of where you have been and where you are going.
And sing a song that others will be humming after you have walked past them.