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Memories of Friends
Posted On 05/19/2024 13:52:47

Thinking of friends

Who have touched our hearts

Triggered by a photograph or a song

Selective memory plays a part

Some remain ever present

In our daily lives

Others have moved to pastures new

In order to survive

A few they have departed

From this earthly plane

Sadly gone but never forgotten

Fond memories to this day remain


Tags: Poetry

Power of Love
Posted On 04/12/2024 02:04:45

Power of Love

Love enters life in many different ways

Filling voids and brightening days

Highly charged emotion often misunderstood

Deep inside our being this power called love

Love for our children held close to the breast

Guidance through life often put to the test

Sometimes unpredictable cause for alarm

Do all in our power to protect them from harm

Love for our partner developing trust

Initial excitement then waning of lust

Comfortable companionship begins to unfold

Reaching a climax without power of control

Love for our families who we hold dear

Dealing with problems through laughter and tears

Sharing of memories some bad and some good

Overcoming obstacles with the power of love

Love for our friends we treat with respect

Forging a bond no more they expect

Always loyal and true till the end

The power of friendship on which we depend

Love for our pets who make few demands

Only needing kind words and a gentle hand

Happy to see you they stand proud and tall

Unconditional love the most powerful of all

~ Lynne ~

Tags: Poetry

Cornish Coast
Posted On 03/18/2024 17:39:20

Cornish Coast

Waves crash against the cornish coast

Seagulls soaring above in flight

Round and round in circles they go

In search of food is their plight

Boats anchored in the harbour

Swaying to and fro

Protected shelter from the cove

When the wind doth blow

Cottages dotted on the hillside

Above the narrow streets

Aligned with quaint shops and cosy pubs

Where all the locals meet

Tired fishermen returning home

With their daily catch

Long day coming to an end

Release those wellies and woollen hats


Tags: Poetry

Seasons of Love
Posted On 10/22/2023 14:14:06


Leaves falling from the old oak tree

Casting shadows of what may be

Initials carved to show their love

An autumn blessing from above


Snow silently falling on the ground

Sunrise appears without a sound

Smouldering embers of the fire

Lost in love with sweet desire


Walk in the park hand in hand

No words are spoken they understand

Beauty of nature is all around

Rejoicing spring with loves sweet sound


Beach is deserted apart from two

Looking into the distance is what they do

Who knows what thoughts are in their mind

Let's hope it's love in summertime


Tags: Poetry

The Rose
Posted On 07/23/2023 11:38:02

As dark turns into light

Awakened by moisture from morning dew

Floral beauty springs to life

Purely from a rose's point of view

Velvety flower emanates sweet fragrance

Swaying gently in a summer breeze

Glimpses of gold catch delicate petals

While partially hidden by the trees.


Tags: Poetry

European Christmas Market
Posted On 12/02/2022 05:56:03


Life is busy around Albert Square

In December every year

Christmas market in full swing

For shopping and a glass of beer

Stalls are cluttered one by one

Amid the crowded streets

Vendors displaying their festive wares

In order to compete

Christmas music in the background

To put one in the mood

Aroma of bratwurst sizzling on the coals

Pangs of hunger need some food

People always in a hurry

Last minute presents to buy

Gifts from all over Europe

To tempt the shoppers eye

Energy and money both well spent

To depart it's almost time

But not before a Christmas toast

With a mug of hot mulled wine


Tags: Poetry

Touch of Greece
Posted On 08/10/2022 08:41:45

Treading carefully on a secluded pebbled beach

Just my thoughts and me

Beckoning rock invites me to sit a while

To absorb the beauty of the blue Aegean Sea

Warmth from the sun encompasses my body

Through an almost cloudless sky

Daydream interupted only by a gentle breeze

Or an occasional sea bird soaring high

Gazing into the distance

As far as the eyes can see

Sun dances reflectively on the water

With the coast of Turkey winking back at me


Tags: Poetry

A Finely Tuned Instrument
Posted On 07/21/2022 06:32:28

Female contour a finely tuned instrument

Worthy of tender loving care

Shaped like a well strung guitar

Or perhaps a soft well-rounded pear

Curvy figurine dances elegantly

Invitation in her outstretched arms

Intoxicating body language

Seduction offered within her charms

Encased beneath the outer shell

Lie heartstrings plucked from dreams too soon

Porcelain lady trapped in the music box

With notes of Mills and Boon


Tags: Poetry

Lazy Days of Summer
Posted On 04/07/2022 07:36:30

Lazy days of summer

Strolling through the park

Fleeting movement in tree branches

Ascending of the lark

Wild flowers of many colours

Vision for the eyes to see

Shades of yellow, pink and purple

Where butterflies roam free

Nestled on a blanket

Under shelter of the trees

Absorbing golden rays of the sun

Amidst a gentle breeze

Daydreaming of life's pleasures

Under a sky of azure blue

Romantic notions to the fore

Sometimes dreams come true


Tags: Poetry

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