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07/13/2021 08:28:59

03/20/2021 11:12:20

Hi Lydia, How are you doing. I see it has been years since you have been on here. I got so tired of the other places thart I came back here and love it. Wishing you a beautiful Day and great first day of Spring

Hugs and Blessings... Connie

02/13/2021 08:30:46

Happy Valentine's Day by Joyful226

Hi Dear Lydia So sorry it has been so long since I have been on here How are you doing?

It is hard to believe that Valentine's Day is so close. I hope you have a wonderful day today and everyday  and Valentine's too.

I am so sorry it is been so long since I was on here. I try to come and do comments but seems like, just as I sit down to that very things something is always coming up and I get up and make breakfast, or dinner or something else. Just life.  Thank you so much for being my friend and not giving up on me. I am doing fine so far thank goodness. I hope you are too. 

Love, Hugs and blessings Connie

06/01/2020 22:04:04


Hi there! Wishing you a beautiful 1st day of June, the month of roses love and pearls. I have been quite busy the last few weeks with Memorial day and all. I made a PowerPoint presentation which took like forever and getting my weekly publication out. Plus Bob's doctor's appointments etc. He is fine just routine check ups etc. But at least you can see the doctor now where we live. . I hope you are doing well and staying safe. Love and hugs Connie

04/23/2020 22:40:12

Wishing you a beautiful day filled with only good things peace, reflection. contemplation, Joy, and Love. Well here in UPSTATE NY we have to wear masks. I saw a lady I didn't know but she said Hi and I said (which was true) Hi I am smiling under my mask. She laughed. She had hers on too. Take care keep safe Love Hugs and prayers Connie

04/12/2020 09:29:56

Christ has Risen Joyful226

Christ the Lord has risen today Hallelujah! Wishing you a wonderful and Blessed Easter aka Resurrection Day.

Easter Feast. Joyful226

Easter Feast Although this year we may not be able to gather together
in person we can in spirit meaning of this creation is found on my page
under food. Just added.

May you have a wonderful Easter in spite of everything.

Love and Hugs Connie

04/09/2020 11:38:37

Sheppard leaves the 99 by Joyful226

dear Lydia! How are you?  My page for Holy is week is finished
with a some extra information about how special each day is starting
today. I hope you are doing well.

Love and may God richely bless Connie

12/31/2019 23:23:13

your New Year be filled with wonderful experiences, good health,
prosperity, and love and may you be able to stick to whatever New Year's
resolution you made. :) HAPPY NEW YEAR 2020. Love and Hugs Connie

10/31/2019 10:58:13

Hi Lydia! How are you doing? Wishing you a wonderful and safe Halloween!!

is rainy today and a cold front is moving in where I am in upstate New
York USA.  But most of the trick and treaters were aware of it, so
parties were held last weekend. I heard on the news that some were
thinking of moving Halloween!! How do you move a Holiday lol.

was so named really All Hallows Eve way back in the day... which was
the day before All Hallows Day which when this was started a l ong time
ago Hallows were Holy or Saints Day which then became All Saints day.
But somewhere a long the line All Hallows Eve became Halloween and All
Hallows Day became All Saints Day, as the language changed. The day
after All Saints Day which is the 1st of November, then the 2 nd of
November is all Souls Day. That was a day that the Catholic church
prayed for those that have departed and are in purgatory.   May you have
a wonderhul and very safe Halloween and rest of the week too.Love and
hugs Connie

10/25/2019 16:28:25

Hi Lydia! Wishing you a very Happy and Blessed Day and have a Happy and Safe Halloween

Love and hugs Connie

03/11/2019 07:13:51

 Victorian Winter Wonderland  Joyful226I

I am still waiting for the snow to quit! I swear sometimes it feels more like I am in Alaska than in  Upstate NY. Wind, cold and snow Happy Spring LOL.  But rain, snow, sleet, hail or even Sunshine. Have a great day. Love and hugs. Connie'

12/23/2018 10:11:30

Unto Us a Child is Born, Unto Us, a Son is Given...And His Name Shall be Called: Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God the Everlasting Father the Prince of Peace.

Wishing you a Wonderful Christmas filled with Peace, Joy, and Love.  Merry Christmas Connie

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