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06/02/2024 21:03:15

05/10/2024 11:55:02

04/01/2024 09:34:32

May you have a blessed Easter Week. 

03/25/2024 11:52:31

May you have a blessed Holy Week.

03/13/2024 09:49:28

I have spring in my heart even though winter is trying to bring down some more snow flakes for our area this weekend. May you have a nice Wed. and ever so kind days for the rest of week. Smiles Gloria

03/10/2024 16:00:24

02/29/2024 09:31:03

May your moments today be ever so kind to you as you share your smile to all you meet.  Smiles   Gloria

02/27/2024 12:56:29

Smiles Gloria

01/28/2024 14:17:59

01/16/2024 20:36:05

Hello my sweet friend. How are you today.

I want to share with you what the east coast of Maine.

The storm was so bad. Flooding everywhere

and power outage.

It was a terrible day.

Im hoping spring will be here soon.

I hope the weather is good to you.

Please stay safe and warm.

God Bless you and your family.

01/16/2024 17:06:02

Very cold temps these past days. Toasty warm in the home.

During these cold spells up North one will see early in the morning what is called Sun Dogs. Breathtaking to see.  Yes the beauty of winter. May you have a a pleasant week. Smiles Gloria

12/31/2023 20:27:58

12/12/2023 13:10:47

Hello my sweet friend. Checking in today.

I am still in pain but the Dr said my arm and shoulder is healing.

I have to go for theropy on the 18th and it will be painfull.

I hope all is well with you and your in my prayers.

I hope you have a wonderfull Christmas.

May God Bless you today and always. :-)

12/12/2023 05:48:28

Hello my dear friend...Happy tuesday!   Kisses for you.

12/11/2023 21:43:53

Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmastime. ~Laura Ingalls Wilder (1867–1957)

12/04/2023 13:19:41

What a glorious Monday day.  I do believe I do need another cup of coffee, though. Smiles Gloria

            Coffee is a hug in a mug. ~Author unknown

12/02/2023 13:12:16

May you  have a glorious weekend. At the moment I am enjoying one of my favorite coffee blends called Creme Brulee and a Creme Brulee creamer to go with it to make it even more special to the taste.

So exciting for in our area we just might see some snowflakes coming down on Monday.  Now wouldn't that be delightful  to ones eyes. Smiles  Gloria

11/30/2023 10:42:19

May you have a very pleasant  wintery day today. We did get a bit of dusting of snow  for over night and there is frost on the roof tops.  My how I enjoy winter and all the snow flakes that fall from the sky. Stay warm and I will do the same in our area. Now where did I put that snow shovel.  hahah Smiles   Gloria

            Snowflakes are kisses from heaven. ~Author unknown

11/20/2023 19:58:37

Though your heart is achin'
Even though it's breakin'
When there are are clouds in the sky
You'll get by...
If you smile
Through your fear and sorrow
And maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shinin' through,
For you...
Light up your face with gladness
Hide, every trace of sadness
Although a tear
may be ever so near
That's the time, You must keep on tryin'
Smile, what's the use of cryin'
You'll find that life is still worth while
If you just smile
If you smile
Through your fear and sorrow
Smile, and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shinin' through
for you...
Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear
May be ever so near
That's the time
You must keep on tryin'
Smile, what's the use of cryin'
You'll find that life is still worth while
If you just smile
If you... just smile

I want to wish you a very Happy Thanks giving.

May God Bless you. 

Ill be back soon. still trying to get better with my arm.

11/15/2023 12:45:54

11/14/2023 10:59:07

11/10/2023 10:43:13

What a nice Friday day with snow on the ground which is putting a twinkle in my eyes and a smile on my face.

 Just put together a nice  soup mixture  in the  instant pot and my  can't wait to  have some of those oyster crackers   mixed into the soup. 

  Just had to make up some gingerbread spice flavored coffee  to make my day even more special.  May you have a glorious day  sharing your smiles and your giggles.  Smiles  Gloria

Gratitude is the best attitude. ~Author unknown

11/09/2023 10:52:12

Let it snow, Let it snow! Such a treat this morning seeing some snow on the ground. Puts a smile on my face. Look what came to the feeder also this morning, giving me such joy.

The rest of the story though is that it has been raining and snowing so  it is very slippery outside  today.  A good day to make up  some home made soup and stay in doors.  My goodness one must have those cute oyster crackers to go along with the soup.  Gee I sure know how to spoil myself. hahaha .   May you have a lovely day enjoying your moments and I will do the same here in this neck of the woods.

09/26/2023 09:05:12

Happy Birthday to you. May you have a very special day!


how to upload an image to the internet

09/25/2023 11:31:00

  Happy Monday.  

09/03/2023 14:25:31

Hello my sweet friend. Checking in to see how you are.

I miss you. Been so busy with work and trying to train my puppy.

My puppy is getting big. 28.50 pounds. She is going to be a big dog.

I hope the weather is treating you good.

We had way to much rain this summer. Not much of a summer.

I changed my layout today. Im thinking Autom season.

My favorite season. Well ill let you go. Having lunch. 

Ill be back soon. Thank you for stopping by my page

and sharing comments. God Bless you today and always. :-) 

08/30/2023 10:48:52

May you have a very special day enjoying your moments as you share your smile with others and hopefully they will share their smiles.  I like the  smilie  wrinkles I have  on my face.   Hugs   Gloria

08/25/2023 12:49:48

My goodness this week sure flew by fast enjoying ones moments.  May you have a glorious weekend as one goes into Sept. soon. Smiles  Gloria

 I do believe I need another cup of coffee before I continue with the household duties.  More dust bunnies to round up.

                Have Less. Dust Less. Live More. ~Robin Bastian

08/24/2023 11:14:30

A cool breeze ,  a cool morning and I am glorious happy  for I can smell fall in the air today. I am having, at the moment, a delicious cup of some  flavored fall  coffee, to make this day even more special, along with my favorite fall coffee mug.  May your day be  ever so  kind to you as you do your daily duties.  Smiles  Gloria

The day after the day that I walk out the front door and the air is crisp, with just a hint of the Autumn days ahead, I put cinnamon in my coffee. ~Betsy Cañas Garmon, betsygarmon.com

08/07/2023 13:48:25

My goodness the morning is now in the past and the afternoon is now here for me to enjoy as I wish. For some reason I am in a fall mood so I put some pumpkin spice creamer in my coffee for the fun of f it.  Ever so smooth and tasty.  Looking forward to cooler temps. May you have a pleasant week counting all ones blessings from above. Smiles   Gloria

If we try to see something positive in everything we do, life won't necessarily become easier but it becomes more valuable. ~Author unknown

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