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Posted On: 07/30/2014 18:12:18

 There are times when you want to know that coffee is either a good thing or bad. Take for instance, if I would have drank coffe at 6pm three years ago, there would have been no side affects, I mean I could have went to sleep at 10 pm with no problem. But today if I were to drink a cup of coffee at that same time, there will be no sleep, restless all night. I have friends that actually drink coffee just before going to bed. I say to my self, what is different about me today?  Do you have this same problem? Or is it not a problem? Do you have any ideas that you can share with others like myself?

If so, please share. Shout it out.....


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07/31/2014 18:59:32
thank you Mona,
I have been researching... I think your so right about in the genes...
I have thought maybe mixing decaf and regular so the coffee is not to loaded with caffeine.

07/30/2014 20:15:55

I'm one of those people who has at least one cup of coffee before I go to bed. My father was the same, and he claimed that it was in our genes!!!! There are times when I wake up about 3 a.m., feeling rested and thinking it was 'getting-up' time. I just don't lay in bed, hoping to get back to sleep, so I get up, grab the book that I have on the 'go', or turn on my 'puter, and make myself a cup of coffee. In about an hour, I'm ready to go back to bed, and sleep the rest of the night. I have to specifically put "decafinated coffee" on my grocery list so that I have some available for my guests and friends who will only drink decafinated beverages.

I have no suggestions for you, and looking for the answers in a Google search are about as varied as the kinds of coffee and tea available. I have a feeling that it has less to do with age, and more to do with individual make-up.  

I hope you get some helpful answers.


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