I do talk to my cats.... And I do not care who likes it... If you think I am nuts.... So be it...
When I am ready for work, my cats run to their mats and mewo, they both set up and give me a high five. When I am pouring my coffee in my to go cup they are waiting by the hall door. As I leave they both get a pet and I say I love you, watch the house.... They both sound off as if to say ok mom, see you tonight. I come home I have to greeters at the hall door. So happy and talking all the way, I tell them thank you for watch the house while I was away, I missed you both. They run to their mat and sit up for their treats, I get high fives and so much lovin..
I get a big glass of water and go set down, I do not have my lap anymore as it is consumed with to furry friends. My cats make me so happy to come home, so much love.
I do not want to ever think of the day when I come home to not furry friends or have to set with a empty lap..
Thank you lord for my two cats.