Thank goodness, a quiet Labor holiday weekend. We live out into the country. We have property that is fronted and backed up to State Land. Which means many orv trails. Past holidays and weekends the trail riders would be destroying the trails racing up and down, at one point a few years ago, it was very dry and well you got it. There was a fire set due to a spark from the orv is what was told to us land owners. It burned 20 acres before they got the fire under control, the winds were high and the trails are in a pine forest ( a tinder box). I can hear the wind rusting the leaves today so peaceful, little chickadees chirping fall is here fall is here. The leaves are starting to turn reds, golds, and purples. The milk weeds are turning brown and all is about to rest for the long winter ahead. I do not see my hummingbirds anylonger they must have got there fuel to move to warmer climates last weekend.
I do hope you had a relaxing holiday too.