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Drivers Licenses
Posted On: 09/04/2019 18:16:47

So, I just purchased a replacement vehicle 3-4 weeks ago. I was able to take my savings and pay cash. Now it's not a 2019 or 2020, Nope is a 2014 in excellent condition, low mileage. I love everything about my Jeep.... Yesterday my sweet Jeep was parked in a parking lot and mind you I am very careful to park in between the lines. I was just outside of the store speaking with a friend, when I hear a crash sound in the direction of my car. I run only to see a man trying his hardest to back out only to smack my car again. He is trying to drive from the scene. I run to his vehicle and scream get out. You just hit my car. He preceeds to go forward. My husband stands in front of his vehicle. I say get out of your vehicle and I want to see your proof of insurance and registration.... He finally realizes he his not going to get away. I take the papers and dial 911 on my cell. He is trying to tell me not to call the police he has a problem. I said yes you do... He said I will pay you $100 or $200., do not call the police. Dispatch comes on the line I explain what happened. She said, do you know who did it? I said oh yes, I have him blocked in and he is not leaving the scene. She dispatched the officer to come. The officer takes my info and then asked me if I wanted to say anything... Oh yes I do look at this man's temporary permit. He was pulled over August 20th for being intoxicated. He has liquior in the vehicle, he tried to flee from the accident he caused, he tried to pay me off so I would not call you officer. Now.... I have a smashed vehicle, he did not get a ticket and he blew a safe level... Officer lets him drive away.. Really... Why... What is wrong with this world.


Viewing 1 - 5 out of 5 Comments

09/12/2019 08:31:15

I'm sorry to hear this. He should have got a ticket but it may be that since it was in the parking lot of a store the officer may have been unable to ticket him. But he made out a report, get all the info you can and if it comes to it, hire an attorney.

09/08/2019 07:18:40

Just the fact he tried to flee the scene should justify a ticket.The officer stated that he did not witness the time of fleeing only my word and my husbands. The officier ask the man and he said oh no. So its his word against our words. Plus his prior dwi charge. they have not changed him with a DUI, his court date is 9-16. My sons car (brand new) was hit and totaled as it sat parked in front of our home 7 months ago..the driver who totaled it was high from heroin. He is still awaiting a court date now scheduled for Oct 4. Walking the streets free and clear for now. He had no insurance, and was driving a car with a temp tag, which had lapsed. It’s insane thenjudicial system..seems those who follow the rules get the shaft, while the law breakers keep on going unscathed.I am sorry to hear of your son's accident. The system is so clouded with this type, it takes for ever to get some type of justice. I am sorry for your son.  I’m sorry this happened to you. Hope the damage to your Jeep was minimal. I have noted in another comment my damages from estimate and update. Thanks for sharing.


09/08/2019 07:12:06

The man had insurance it was a temporay permit as he is to go to court on 9-16 to see what will happen as he was arrested for drinking and driving on 8-20-19

09/08/2019 07:08:46

Altara3 wrote:

That's bad! I hope the officer at least made sure he gave you his insurance info so you can file a claim. Or was the  damage so minor the cop figured you wouldn't bother?  (I had that happen once) Now, if the liquor was 'open'...he should have been arrested! 

The damages estimated from collison and adjuster for my insurance company are $4397.97

No the officer did not give a ticket to the man and there was no open liquor. the man had to blow to see if he had been drinking. The blow did not reqister a high level so was allowed to leave. My car goes in Monday 9th tommorow for repairs I have a rental vehicle so life can continue and not be distrupted. Lesson learned park far away from the building. Have a relaxing Sunday, Patricia

09/06/2019 11:12:00

Just the fact he tried to flee the scene should justify a ticket. Plus his prior dwi charge. My sons car (brand new) was hit and totaled as it sat parked in front of our home 7 months ago..the driver who totaled it was high from heroin. He is still awaiting a court date now scheduled for Oct 4. Walking the streets free and clear for now. He had no insurance, and was driving a car with a temp tag, which had lapsed. It’s insane thenjudicial system..seems those who follow the rules get the shaft, while the law breakers keep on going unscathed. I’m sorry this happened to you. Hope the damage to your Jeep was minimal. Thanks for sharing.

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