Mass Destruction of Our Food
Is everyone as confused as I am about what to eat or drink? Every day we are told, don’t eat this or don’t drink that as it will kill you. Diet drinks are so bad for you that one almost feels they are committing a crime if you plop one from the dispenser. I can see ladies secretly grabbing the diet coke and shoving it into their huge purses and in the future there might be a law or fine for concealment of a diet drink like concealment for a weapon. Well according to the research the diet drink is now a mass weapon of destruction. They are not even sure at this point what is in the diet drink that is causing all the trouble. How about all of our food that is causing us trouble and we know what is in it. What are they doing about that? The additives that are in food that also goes in anti-freeze and what about the colorings that cause cancer but still show up in our food supply.
Is the big government asleep, are they stupid, or getting a profit from the killing factors in our food? Where is Obama’s wife in all this? She did a great thing about trying to fix the school lunches and save the brains of our children but where does she think they eat when they are not in school? How can we buy the right food if it’s all tainted?
They did a study and now they are saying wine gives us cancer and especially women for breast cancer. I think they said also beer as its the alcohol, so first they say drink some it’s good for you and now they are saying no don't drink it. I guess if we listen to them, well, let’s see, we could have water,,,,no wait most of that is impure even in the bottles, so bread and water,,,well, bread, no they say the wheat is spliced with something now and the grain isn't what our forefathers ate and so now the wheat is making us sick, oh, oh, I got it, we can live on our own fat and go out in the summer and fight the bears for rich sun grown berries in the fields,,,REALLY, with all the smog and pollution, those berries are already dusted! Live on I say and pray over the food and do the best with what we have right?