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Rain, rain, rain
Posted On: 04/19/2013 14:15:45

Just sitting here watching a terrific fight between the wind and the rain. First the rain falls softly and then as the wind beats the rain against my window pane I see scattered tear drops lined up in layers on the glass. The rain begins again and falls steadily now and then I hear it, a knocking and beating sound as the wind catches its breath to batter up again.

Who has the power, the wind or the rain? With both together are they a force to be reckoned with? Perhaps they are only involved as lovers who spat and make up and then turn on their own again.

The sun smiled down yesterday as if to tease us or maybe perhaps to ready us for the taunting of today’s harsh reality.

 The kept  promise that April showers bring May flowers remains on target. They sway and shake the rain from their petals and stand in awe as a tornado shoots right by.

Soon the temperatures will soar above the nineties and heat loving people will fly out with sandals in one hand and sunscreen in the other.  I, on the other hand will be wiping sweat from my brow, squinting into the blazing ball of fire and shaking my finger in fury like an episode from Gone With The Wind.

As I moan and groan and speak my peace, mostly wishing for cool weather I seem to agitate fellow sun worshippers and they reply with a somewhat cruel mouth, “don’t say that”.  I smile and at the same time I am  stunned as I wonder why they think my words have so much power, as if all my wishing would make it so?

The rain is continuing in spurts and plops , but I find it calming and satisfying and think I shall go read a good book, one about snow!


Viewing 1 - 1 out of 1 Comments

04/20/2013 04:51:25


The plain in Spain is not the only place for showery rain.

as from thunderous clouds pelting on window pane,

the drops doth splatter, spit, splosh and loudly disdain,

any consideration for humans in the Speedwell domain,

even if with constant drumming driving them insane.

April showers must be endured despite the dismal pain,

As the darkest hour is before the dawn, the rains will deign,

to pour it's utmost on home, windows, adding to the strain,

but as April slowly departs and the sun comes forth to reign,

for many a scorching month, end on end, a burnt earth to stain.

Will have Ella and cohorts praying for the sweet scent again

in a cleansing Virginian autumnal precipitous welcome vein !.

[So sayeth he who wouldst rather sweat, than in a dripping wet vein !]


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