Here's picture of the new Azalea that Papa bought me. I love the color! A little later we'll pick up another shrub or two to put in the large flower garden. We lost three of Papa's Roses and some other flowers during the winter due to the extreme cold. It would have been okay if there had been some snow surrounding them but we had little of that this winter. We have so much going this year that we may wait until fall or even next year before we concern ourselves with replacing them.
This is one tired old gal today! We went to the big city yesterday to get the Synvisc 1 shots in my knees. For the first time my doctor asked if I wanted the shot or a knee replacement. They'd taken more ex-rays to see where I'm at. He showed them to Allen and me and I could see where my left knee is bone-on-bone. The right knee is a little better. I, of course, opted for the injections and told him that as long as they help even a little bit I won't be having any surgery. Actually, I can't see having surgery, anyway, since I'll be 70 years old in a couple of months. To be realistic I don't know how much longer I have and I can't see spending it in very painful therapy. That would be worse than what I'm going through! The Synvisc 1 puts a cushion between the bones so they scrunch together and cause pain. So, I guess, We'll just "wait and see."
Papa got three new windows in our house! One he has the trim work finished on the outside. He has a "job" today so maybe tomorrow he can work on the trim for another. I have a few damages to repair on the inside trim and then I can paint all three of those inside. I've been doing some deep-cleaning in the bedroom and need to do it in the living room, as well. After our son passed away I barely slept for a month. After the Memorial Service I crashed and with being laid up for four months this winter I didn't get anything done. So...it's been 2½ years since I've done any "real" cleaning. It feels good to finally be able to do it!
I was thinking that while Papa is gone today to putting Steve's photo albums and such in totes and get them out to the garage and free up a lot of space in the living room. I didn't receive his personal affects until last fall so I feel I haven't done too bad there. We no longer look at a lot of that stuff; what pictures we really care about I took out to put in another album. The rest is his ball glove, Grover and a baby blanket that his grandmother embroidered almost 80 years for his father and did get finished. I finished it just before Steve was born 43 years ago. I have his Boy Scout uniform, etc. in my wardrobe and I don't believe I'm ready to put that away yet. I still have his baby bottles out in the garage! Papa was wanting me to get rid of them but now he doesn't say anything. I guess he figures there isn't any chance of that now!
I suppose I'd better get started and accomplish something today. Y'all take care, have a great day and keep lookin' up!
Much Love, Junie & Papa Allen