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And time just keeps marching on..
Posted On: 06/29/2019 09:23:51

I am not sure when I last signed on.  My life has certainly changed since 2011.  I am now living in St Lous, Mo with my younger son and his longtime girlfriend.  

I had knee replacement surgery on May 28, 2019 and am in the process of rehabbing my knee.  Right now, I can walk without a cane or walker but I still cannot bend or straighten my knee.  I am going to physical therapy twice a week for 6 weeks to try and get back my mobility.  Before the surgery, I was walking about 4 times a week and doing 2.5 to 3 miles a day.  Walking is very cathardic to me and brings me such a peaceful feeling.  I hope to get back to my daily walks soon.

Tags: Life Changes


Viewing 1 - 5 out of 5 Comments

07/03/2019 06:31:10

Hello, Margaret!   Happy to meet you!.. Yes, time does march on alright...I was just going through some "Misc." boxes from my last move here to Florida from Connecticut and found a  CD/DVD (?) for "Emoticons" and much paperwork printed from kind people here giving me answers to ?'s I had - all from 2008 and onward!  LOL Where did all that time go?  I do hope you'll be back to functioning well and comfortably soon!

Gerri B

07/02/2019 11:06:27

 My reply to momtocam ;  I have had surgeries on this knee dating back to 1979.  I ended up with No remaining cartiledge and painful bone on bone resulting in me being unable to bend that knee very far for years now.  When I moved back to St Louis in December of 2016 after the death of my soul mate, I was very depressed and had to do something, so I started walking at least three times a week.  It helped with my depression and anxiety (I am not a person who wanted to take meds for that).  I realized my knee was far worse than I thought when I started my walks, but the walks were so uplifting.  I sometimes walked three miles a day but averaged around a mile and a half three or four times a week.   I found a well known Orthopedic Dr here and they did xrays on my knee and told me what I already knew.  My knee was not going to get any better.  Because I continued to walk and function on my severely damaged knee the bone on bone situation had become very painful.  I had to see if anything could be done for my knee so I could regain some independence.  When you living on SS you soon find you have no extras.  I want to rehab enough so I can possible get a part time job.  I am impatient by nature so I am doing rehab twice a week for six weeks on my knee and hope to get as much mobility as possible. 

07/01/2019 23:44:51

Oy! St. Louis did me in after 14 years of hot summers and daily shootings.

I moved to San Diego where the weather is mild and guns are pretty scarce. I just passed my one year relocation anniversary June 26th, and I am glad I escaped St. Louis intact!

07/01/2019 12:34:22

Wishing you a smooth recovery..did you by chance visit a chiropractor before opting for knee replacement? My neighbor is 89. Was told she needed knee replacement. Her reg doc said No due to her age and heart issues. She began seeing a local chiropractor and within a few weeks was walking with no issues. 

06/30/2019 07:31:01

One day at a time. You'll get there. (((Hugs)))

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