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Posted On: 07/30/2013 09:50:55

My favorite time of year is Here at last and well worth waiting on. Beautiful, refreshing Fall. A time when God gathers all the beauty from his paint box and spreads his hands to pour it down on the earth in colors that cover trees bushes & grass with so many bright colors we don't even miss the greens and pastels of Spring and Summer.

The air has become crisp and fresh smelling. I love the smell of the first fire in someones fireplace floating to my nostrils as I stand in the early morning air. The days are changeable as the wind. One day summer forces it's way back with warm winds that remind you it has not yet given up it's hold over the earth but just wants to be remembered. Wants to remind you, “I'm still here. I will not go far. I'll be back”. The next day winter might try to force its self on to the scene and tries to leave fall behind. But not to be winter. You just go back in to hibernation for a spell and let Fall have his turn.  Fall seems to struggle to make his self known. Summer is behind and winter is ahead seeming to squeeze the life out of Fall.

The last of the harvest is being hurried before the ground becomes dormant for the Winter. Bright Orange Pumpkins, yellow and green squash, and delicious red tomatoes and apples are in the farmers markets and road side stands.

Farmers are hurrying to get that last cut of hay from the fields before cold days ahead squeeze its life down to lie till Spring. At the same time their ground is being prepared to lie dormant until spring when the whole thing starts over.  Daddy called it 'laying by' for winter.

The animals coats become thicker on their bodies preparing for cold icy days ahead. Wooly worms crawl, squirrel's scamper to gather winter food and bed, and those pesky bugs try to get in the house where it's warm.

Fall has a distinctly different smell as everything changes. Sights and smells are refreshing and new. The sweet taste and smell of cinnamon, bacon frying, a fall sweater, and heat coming on for the first time. The smell of fresh plowed ground that you don't smell much today. It was a Fall smell always dear to me as my Daddy 'layed away' the garden for the winter. These smells are just so unique and smell is so much more distinct on a fall morning.

Then there is the sound of Geese honking through the sky making their way to greener places. The sound and smell of wood as it burns in the fireplace . Rain on the roof is much more distinct.The animals coats become thicker on their bodies preparing for cold icy days ahead.

You watch and wait for the first frost ushering in brisker winds and different sounds floating on the air.

Fall is my nostalgic memory time for some reason. Could be because I grew up in the Country where smells and sounds carry even more clear across the land to reach me.

Someone once told me that a smell is the sense most linked to memories. I believe that to be true but I also want to add sounds to that scenario. I believe smell and sound fits together like my hand in a glove on a cold morning.  

It is the middle of summer right now and I don't get along well  with summer so anticipating Fall with that morning nip in the air and cold nights when I add more cover on my bed is a welcome reprieve that helps me finish these hot sticky days I need to endure now.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-22 

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; ...


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