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Posted On: 09/18/2014 18:23:27


I used to love walking up the dirt roads all around my house and listening to the sounds and smells coming from the houses of neighbors.  Down where my house was we could only hear and see Brenda's house, or maybe a train. If I heard a sound from there I pretty we'll knew what and who it was.   Brenda did have a close neighbor  on the other side. We often went through the garden gate and climbed  a mulberry tree. I don't remember mulberries smelling nice.
I loved the sound of ice cubes clinking in a glass, a fork raking on a plate as they ate a meal, and dishes on a table or in the dishpan to be washed. I always said to myself "I wonder what they had to eat for supper"? Lots of beans and potatoes just like we had I think.
When someone had clothes on the clothesline and there was a breeze I could smell that fresh smell. Not many things smell as good as clothes dried outdoors in the sunshine. And they were always hung out to dry. No electric dryers, for that matter no washers unless you had one of those' fancy' ringer washers. Mama was tickled pink when she got her first ringer washer.
Sometimes I'd hear a radio playing country  or Gospel music or broadcasting the news. There is a big difference in the news then and now also in music. If  I heard talking I could never understand what they were saying. That didn't really bother me I just enjoyed the soft sounds of voices.
At dusk when all the soft yellow glow of lights came
on in the homes that  really fascinated me.  I would wonder what they were doing in that house all warm and secure just the way I felt in my house.
Brenda was usually with me and I don't think she really paid attention at least she never seemed to.  We were always trying to think of a way to stop in front of Ashmore's house because we knew she would call us in for Red Kool Aid and cake.  From the road in front of their house there was always something that smelled good. Often that would be the distinct smell of bread rising.  Yummy!   Across the road it was usually coffee brewing that we smelled.
At the end of that road on the corner there was usually a man sitting in a wheel chair. He always spoke to us and had a big smile. From here we started back home unless we were going to Hall Parks Store.   No more houses on that road until you got to the store except the house out away from the road where sometimes we bought butter.
The freedom I felt then was so sweet. I never even thought that someone would hurt me like kids do now. I knew Jesus walked beside me, never doubted that.
I miss my childhood and get so homesick for all those sights, sounds, and smells. I miss the feeling of being surrounded by Loved ones and Good Neighbors

Tags: Dirt Roadsmemories


Viewing 1 - 1 out of 1 Comments

09/20/2014 18:08:25
Very interesting. and memories I feel. We all have childhood memories. My 90 yr old mother shares many stories with me of her grandmother and great grandmothers time.. I so love to hear of what I remember Saying Momma, I want to hear more of the old time days. I could listen for hours and not move a inch...

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