I'm guessing losing half their blogs doesn't matter to those who have never written many and those who weren't much interested in blogs, or maybe even those who haven't been on NOTH very long. I can't say that for a fact, I'm just guessing but for me and maybe a few more who has been writing steadily from the start, who had many posted here, just maybe it might mean something. It means a lot to me. Pages from my life were recorded in those blogs. Pictures of me and my family were recorded in those blogs. I put my heart and soul in to them and I am deeply hurt that they were just destroyed all at once with no warning. I'm tired of being told things like, all sites do it, I saved mine, etc. doesn't mean a thing to me. There has always been the clean up. I never cared about my comments and messages but I thought Blogs and pictures in the gallery were never touched. They never had been touched before and that is what hit me hard I just wasn't expecting it. I had comments on those blogs that meant a lot to me as well. I'm certainly going to save all my pictures now. I lost a bunch of old B&W's a while back so I don't intend to lose more.