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Posted On: 01/21/2015 14:48:23


 Our Sunday School  lesson one Sunday was about maintaining a control over your tongue.  Well I think I would need to sew my lips closed to accomplish that and still my stupid tongue would find a way to loose itself.   I try very very hard to keep my tongue from overruling my brain but the darn thing just keeps flapping and rolling stupidness out.   My mouth opens and I never know what's gonna fly out.
My mouth overloads my brain often.. At the time I really need to keep my mouth shut it just erupts in to stupidness and goes spewing out like a volcano.Someone gave me a gift once. Now I swear I thought it was a prank gift. You know a white elephant gift? I burst out laughing and said “Oh this is sooo, stupid.” The hurt look on her face should have jolted me back to reality but Nope! Not me. I just kept on making comments and having fun. Heck I thought that was what was expected of me. Hey this is a joke, Right? Well, Duh! No it was not a joke. I started spluttering and back tracking trying to cover up my stupidness. Every word that spouted outta' my mouth just rammed both my feet deeper down my throat.

One day a friend had gotten a new dress. I didn't particularly like the dress but of course I wouldn't have said so. When we got where we were going there were other ladies all around us. I looked down and saw what I thought was her slip showing and very politely pointed it out to her. She informed me that was part of the dress and was not her slip. My mouth went in to high gear then and I said, “Oh my goodness, are you sure? I've never seen such a thing. Something is wrong with that dress”. We were both embarrassed and she was miffed. Good Grief me and my big mouth.

That comment, "sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me"' is a stack of nonsense. I've had sticks, And fists, but some of the words have hurt so much worse.

I don't know why I have so much trouble controlling my tongue. Just shut your mouth for goodness sake, why is that so difficult for me. With both feet crammed down my throat all the time it's a wonder I can even talk at all.    

When I look back on some of the stupid things I've said and done I get so embarrassed I could just crawl in a hole.

“Words can be medicines; they can also be poisons. Words can heal; they can also kill... It all depends on how I use them. I've been biting my tongue a lot lately. I'm learning slowly but surely that sometimes my opinion is best kept to myself. One of the hardest things I am learning is to Just keep my mouth shut because my tongue is very sore from biting it.


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