Trying to write a blog with a new laptop keyboard is a challenge. Getting it to post on the web site is another challenge. My solution, write it in word and copy it over.
We had an awesome summer this year. We went to St George, UT and had friends from AZ join us for a few days. I had a chance to visit w/my granddaughter. What a beautiful young lady she is turning out to be. Anyway, we had a chance to see the play, Mary Poppins, at the amphitheater called Tuacahan. This is a beautiful venue in a canyon. It is a dinner theater too. Anyway, it was only 110 degrees at 9 pm. Yup, it was HOT. That was during late June, when they were having a heat wave setting records with days of 117 degrees. The play was great, fun to see Mary Poppins fly in over the audience. If you ever have a chance to get to St George, I would strongly suggest going. It is beautiful and October is better that June or July!!!!
Oh, now that fall has come upon us, I am having a time trying to explain to my Easter lilies that it is fall and they are not to be blooming now. Yup I have 3 blooms on my plant and it is outside!! Well, I guess that shouldn’t surprise me too much. I have a Christmas cactus that blooms at Christmas and Easter! A Thanksgiving cactus that blooms for Mother’s day and Thanksgiving, but I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised. These plants have been around the family for a while and they are used to weird!
Now for some domestic news. I am working on updating my kitchen. I plan to paint, replace door knobs, drawer pulls and light fixture. I do have the colors picked out, and the chandelier bought, but the problem I have is that my kids keep telling me not to climb on the step stool, because you could fall!!! Well, I could get the painting done too!! My poor honey just asks me to finish one project before I start another one. I would love to do that, but I get side tracked easily. So, I have about three projects going now, and of course my anemia came back with a vengeance, so everything came to a halt for a while. My iron is being infused and I only have one more to go and I ready to continue my projects. My goal is to be done by Thanksgiving. I DO have a dream; it is for a French Country kitchen. Colors are green, yellow and blue.
My RED hat group is getting excited about an outing I have planned, we are going thrift store shopping. That is another vise I have. I love to shop thrift stores and antique stores. Will tell you all about when we are done!!
Well, can’t think of anything else to say for now, maybe one more thing! I am a Mary Kay beauty consultant and if any of you are interested, you can visit my website at and have a look around.