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What's on my mind tonight!
Posted On: 03/09/2015 02:00:39

Here are things that are on my mind tonight! What is it my cat is saying when she follows me around all day meowing at me! Why can't I understand her!!  Most of the time, she is very clear what is needed, like: time for bed, time to get up, time for food! 
Why do I have to be busy all the time? Maybe it's because I have never finished a job I started!!  I have tried to complete things, but I get distracted by having to take something into another room and "Oh dear, there is something that needs to be done in there! Sooo I start working in that room until I have to  take the towels to the washer and BAM, start the  laundry, then I am back to where I started and pick kup where I left off!!
These are  the things that are on my mind!
So, where do I start?? With the Lord in the morning with my coffee! We share our time together and HE is helping me to write down my "to do" list, then work to accomplish one thing at a time so I can cross the chore off my daily list!! My devotion time is very special and I am learning to listen and hear His voice!! Boy, sometimes there are things you don't want to hear.
My adventure into discovering who/what  I am is quite interesting! Food choice? Bread is not a high priority!  Vegetables, fruits, grains and such are good!  I like spicy food! Water is beginning to taste good.  Even working out is beginning to sound good. Because I am "out of shape," I know it will be awhile before I can do a marathon, or climb the Columbia Center!!! Well, maybe I may never do the climb thing! Do I remember how to ride a bicycle?? I don't know, but I may try someday soon! WATCH OUT WORLD, WOMEN RIDER COMING THRU!! 
I am enjoying the decorating of my home.  I am discovering my taste is not contemporary, I am learning how to paint furniture, doing different finishes on furniture.  Maybe I am a Shabby Chic type person.  I know love to find a good bargain and work it into something awesome. So, now my mind is cleared!! For Now!!!


Viewing 1 - 2 out of 2 Comments

03/09/2015 14:37:11

 I have been noticing lately that I run in circles never getting one thing done before starting three others. My mind sometimes wanders all over the place. I've tried to blame it all on my age but I blame my age for everything so who knows. 😄😄

03/09/2015 06:00:47

What a delightful read.  Oh my gosh...sounds like me.  I have begun to learn some discipline about finishing the job I start but as I said...I have only begun to learn.  Although during my working career I was super organized, I seem to have let that skill erode.  I have gone back to to-do lists.  Water needs something, I find a lemon wedge makes it more inviting.  Thank you for you humor!

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