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To sleep, perchance to dream...
Posted On: 01/31/2015 06:31:16

I dream quite often.  Sometimes I can remember them vividly, sometimes I can remember them when I awake, but the memory fades quickly.   Other times there is a ghost of a memory and then there are the ones that leave me knowing there was a dream, but with no memory of the events at all.   I have had dreams of flying, falling, being naked in public, being chased, and ones where the fantasy repeats nightly for a while or just every now and then.  I have had deja-vu dreams where the dream is original, but I feel I have been there before.  On rare occasions, I have a nightmare.  When I am ill, my dreams can be disturbing.  My favorites are those where someone from my past stars in the events.  It always feels like a visit.  

From time to time I can connect the scenarios to life events and other times not so much.  Occasionally I fall asleep with the tv on and some of the fantasies the background noise evokes are wild, usually fun, but wild.

I've thought about keeping a notepad by the bed, but honestly I haven't the drive to write when I open my eyes.  I've tried and failed.  When I wake up, I do review the involuntary images/stories in my mind.  It is usually entertaining.

I've read some of the material on deciphering dreams, but I don't buy most of it.  I think the meanings are particular to the individual.

I know that dreamless nights are the most refreshing, but to me they are disappointing as well.  I am blessed with sleep. It comes to me easily.  When I set my head on the pillow, and let the weariness of the day melt into the mattress, it is the start of an adventure.  

Do you dream? 


Viewing 1 - 6 out of 6 Comments

02/06/2015 07:08:55

Altara, Love the fact that you got story inspiration from your dreams.  Would love to read the results.

02/06/2015 07:06:22

Wow, Arthur!  Great dream story.  What is meant to be will be at the time it is meant to be.  You guys are living proof.  

02/04/2015 18:54:07

i had a weird dream last night about a young woman and 2 kids who were living under a bbq table, what that was about is beyond me, a few years ago i used to dream very often about seeing a young lady accross the garden who just smiled, turned then walked away, at the time i had no idea who she was, i totally belive it was my wife Diane from getting together again after nearly 60 years, i have never had the dream again, all i know is when i didn't have the dream i was very sad the next day, when i told Diane about the dream and dicribed the bluedress , she showed me a photo of herself when she was 20, same girl, same dress,until we got together againin 2009 i didn't realise how much i had missed herthrough the years, i always knew something was missing from my life but didn' realise it was a some one not a some thing all is well when it ends well, we are to gether now for eternity what a lucky man i am----------------arthur

01/31/2015 23:21:05

Thank you for your comments.  Not too many dreamers out there!  I have a very active imagination.  I wonder if that has anything to do with it?  Bree, you've sent me on an internet mission.  I need a lucky number!

01/31/2015 13:54:30

This brought to mind something I remembered about dreams. In Tampa, FL's latin community there was a man who came around with a dreambook. You told him your dream and he picked a corresponding number for that dream. And that was your lucky number to play in the lottery. Of course, it cost to find out. I looked it up online to see if I could find anymore info about it and much to my surprise, you can go online now to submit your dream and get your lucky number and even download your own dreambook!

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