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Posted On: 04/23/2015 09:31:24

I thought i would post something to see if anyone was interested,,,,and I can see the response...Perhaps it was the wrong location...But, since I do not come here often anymore, mostly because i do not meet anyone, nor does anyone respond,,,,I probally wont be coming here much more...WHen i joined this site, years ago and became a VIP member,,,not sure why I did that,,,,this place has just not been much fun....I would have thought after so many years, that the site would have updated a lot of things and made it more modern and easier to use. I never see anyone in the chat,,,and really find it no fun at all to be here....I think it certainly started out fine, but has lack to grow. I do spend more time somewhere else where there is chat and people on line all the time...not sure why this site is not more popular that way.  IT could be my lack of knowledge as to how this works....or it could be my observations are correct......lets see if managment gets a hold of this one and responds......


Viewing 1 - 1 out of 1 Comments

04/24/2015 01:12:55

I'm sorry to read that you don't enjoy this cyber community. As in anything, it's "different strokes for different folks", and the variety is interesting. When I first got involved here on The Hill, I clicked on about anything that was "clickable", and read the pages of many people. I visited those who were Featured Members and those who were celebrating their birthday. I poked my nose into many groups (unless it was available to members only), and began to meet people who had similar interests to mine. I'm much more a person of WORDS, than one who thrives on sparkling graphics, and I can be downright silly at times. I enjoy life and I can laugh at myself!

In my opinion, this site is much like having 'penpals' all over the world, exchanging ideas, laugh together (using words and graphics) and share your every day experiences. I have met amazing people who I now call my friends, even though I will never meet them face to face.

Don't give up ... participate, drop an unexpected note to someone who has an interesting page, and see what happens. Management has been pretty clear how they wish to have this site managed, and have volunteers to help them because they can't be "everywhere" and continue all their other projects alone. 

Now I'll climb down from my "soap box" and be on my way!


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