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A Terrible Week
Posted On: 04/19/2013 15:07:15

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This has been one of the worst week's I've seen in a long time. From Monday with the bombing at the Boston Marathon, then that horrific fire at the fertilizer place in Texas, then the shooting in Boston by those 2 brothers. At this time one is still missing the other is dead. Just before noontime today my oldest daughter Karen called me to tell me there had been a bank robbery up the street from me right next door to Marshall's where my other daughter works and is where she was when it occurred. I was told by them to stay in today and to lock the doors. I had already done that because who knows where the escaped murderer in Boston could be and we are only 40 miles away. Too much excitement for one elder like myself. I have turned off the tele and worked on the laptop trying to do a fix on my home page. That didn't happen so I think soon I will just do some nice peaceful reading. Maybe by tomorrow all will be resolved. I can only hope.   Later, Luv, Alice


Viewing 1 - 6 out of 6 Comments

04/20/2013 13:23:33

laurie2 wrote:

Things will get better and settle down.  Hugs.

   Thanks I'm sure they will.   Hugs Alice

04/20/2013 13:22:04

oppsgal wrote:

Alice I thought of you off and on all day yesterday.  Prayed for you and yours protection.  Scary things.. we often take for granted the peace that s urrounds us until something like yesterday happens..

Now have a great day today. !!!

   Thank you for your concern. Just too many things going on and too close for comfort.   Alice

04/20/2013 09:59:14

The younger brother was taken into custody last night; at least one gunshot wound. The home owner said he saw a lot of blood before another round of shooting so he must have been injured during the first round where his brother was killed.

He is in serious condition but sounds like he'll make okay.

So sad that these brothers did such a terrible thing. It looked as though they had a promising future here in the United States.

04/20/2013 09:03:35

Alice I thought of you off and on all day yesterday.  Prayed for you and yours protection.  Scary things.. we often take for granted the peace that s urrounds us until something like yesterday happens..

Now have a great day today. !!!

04/19/2013 18:20:23

Alice, I watched TV until 6:00 AM this morning. Then I went to bed and woke up to see what had happened throughout the day. Finally, I just went outside with my family and pups and we sat on the porch and talked about 'normal' things. I will start dinner soon, and all feels okay but, in the back of my mind I can still feel the unease. It is good to be on the "Hill' where everything still seems so normal and good. I hope you have a relaxing evening and that tomorrow will be a better day for all. Hugs, Bree

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