Ashley was one of several kittens born to a dying mother. An opossum had killed the mother and was after the kittens. There were 3 beautiful kittens then there was Ashley. I named her Ashley because she was so ugly I wanted her to have something pretty. Ashley was the last of all the kittens and came to be my sleeping buddy. When I gave up my mother's family home and moved to the lake... Ashley went with me. Ashley, besides being a bit of a queen bee, was notorious for helping other animals. I never knew what Ashley was going to bring home or invite into the house. I have more stories that include Ashley so make sure to look for them.

After we moved from the lake house to my new house Ashley discovered a yard full of pecan trees. No matter what I did she would always find a way to get out and perch herself on a low lying branch to watch the squirrels. One day without even asking she scampered in through the doggy door and straight into my bed. She dropped her prize. I thought it was a mouse at first then realized it was a baby squirrel. OMG. I went outside to see if I could spot a frantic mother somewhere. I saw nothing, except an empty nest on the ground just outside the fence in the front yard. The dogs could not get to it nor were they responsible the tragedy. Then I spotted two kids proudly carrying their hunting trophy... the mother.
I went back in the house. How to care for a baby squirrel? I started by taking bird seed and grinding them up with some drops of canned milk and honey. The little fellow really liked that. Peanut butter was also a hit. I named him Oscar and left Ashley in charge of watching him.

Oscar and Ashley played all day long. They chased one another and Ashley even trained Oscar to use the kitty box. Peanut butter was one of his favorite things to eat. By the time Oscar became full grown he acted more like a cat than a squirrel. This was no problem as long as they stayed inside the house. Oscar and Ashley ventured out into the yard and up one tree. There were other squirrels there but Oscar ignored them... he did not know he was a squirrel. He followed Ashley everywhere. This was fine until the day Ashley died. She was almost 22 years old and started to moving a little slower. The vet said it may have been some arthritis. I think she had reached retirement but not told anyone. I have other stories of when she was younger but this one is my favorite. She was doing what she did best... taking care of another one of God's creatures. I really think she knew she had been rescued and spent her life paying it forward. I had fixed her up with a bed and heating pad. Then one night she went to sleep, Oscar right beside her, and died. The next morning when I discovered Ashley I quickly scooped her up and gave her a proper burial. She had been a wonderful companion for almost 22 years. The dogs even respected her and would back off if she wanted a particular spot on the sofa. She always waited till Sweet Pea had finished kissing her before meowing and walking away or laying down.
Oscar was lost. He had no idea what to do. I had my hands full. How was I going to teach this little guy how to be a squirrel? I prayed about it. Oscar was one of God's little creatures and each one of them had instincts built right inside of them. I just had to wake Oscar's up a bit. I felt sure that nature would take over if I could just make Oscar realize he was a squirrel.
I started out by hiding nuts in Ashley's cat tree. Oscar would find them and gobble them up. I knew I had to help him understand he was supposed to live outside in a tree. I tried putting him on a low branch. He would beat me back into the house. The dogs took no notice of him coming in and out of the doggy door. Ashley had batted a couple of noses; so they associated hurting squirrels with a bruised snout. I was beside myself. I felt it was the right thing to do. He did not belong in the house even as a pet. I kept putting him out into the low branches of the trees in the yard. I actually got down on my knees and prayed for an answer to help this wonderful little guy.

While I was on my knees it began to sprinkle. It was not long before Oscar and I were being gently rained on. I was getting wet but I did not care. I knew the answer was coming today. We stayed out there until the shower stopped. I would put Oscar onto the low branch and then sit back down. He would scamper down to me. We repeated this exercise several times. Then Oscar stopped.

He looked down into the puddle that had formed from the rain. He could see his reflection. He stretched out his arm trying to touch the squirrel he saw there. Another little squirrel came and sat beside him. He jumped. He backed up and looked again at the reflection then at the other little squirrel. He glanced at me and chattered a bit and ran off with the other squirrel.

I was so proud of him and so grateful. I realized it does not matter how you started out in this world. God knows exactly who and what you are long before you do. He will help you fulfill your destiny.
I still watch Oscar and his family from the porch. He has never once tried to come back into the house. He likes being a squirrel.

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