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The Neighborhood
Posted On: 02/06/2020 01:08:07

The Neighborhood

The ground hog's announcment that we would be having an early Spring made me think back to last Spring.  I already introduced you to Mr. & Mrs. SQ in my blog "A Squirrel's Conversation".  Their story continues.  

  Last Spring I was having a rather blue day.  I could find no reason for it other than the fact I was tired of Winter and a gray sky.  I had my usual coffee on the back porch to watch my backyard friends.  I had very quietly said a prayer before going outside.  I had ask God to help me see as he saw and to enjoy the beauty he promised us each day.   I asked for a sign that all would be well.  I really do have watch what I pray for.  I got my morning coffee and headed for the back porch.  I sat down and looked up.  All of a sudden, every twig from every branch for every tree in my yard was suddenly filled with robins singing their hearts out.  I was so stunned.  All I could do was stare. I went out into the yard and turned around slowly and could not believe what I was watching.  I was going to go inside and get my cell phone to get a picture of what I was watching.  By the time I got to the back door they all flew away in a sworm.  Only a few stayed.  This story is about the ones who stayed.

Now, I did look it up on the Internet about Robins and apparently this is how they arrive each Spring.  Very few ever see it because they arrive early, all at once, and within an hour or two are gone again.  Mrs. SQ did not agree with my sentement that this was God's answer to my prayer.  Things were going to be just fine.  Spring had arrived.

When the Robins moved in chaos broke out every morning. I enjoyed listening to Mr. Robin sing his morning song, but Mrs. SQ did not.  They started out as bitter enemies. Mr and Mrs SQ had babies last Spring.  She would chatter up a storm and poke Mr. SQ in the back of the head as if to tell him to do something about it. The noise woke up the babies and the noise was only entertaining to me each morning as I drank my coffee. Each morning Mr. SQ would finally scamper to what ever branch Mr. Robin had chosen to stage his performance and chatter to him.  Mr. Robin would stop and chirp at Mr. SQ who would chatter back at him. The singing finally stopped completely.

That evening something happened. Mrs. SQ could not get the babies to calm down and sleep. They kept running around and chattering. Finally, under Mrs. SQ's insistence Mr. SQ scampered over to a big nest two branches up. After a little chattering, Mr. Robin came out and started singing. The sound was delightful.

Within a few minutes the baby squirrels went quiet. All was well. I think an alliance had been made at last. I had kept the bird seed feeder full for both the SQ family and the Robin's family. I knew that somehow a good neighbor packed would be made. I have spent every late afternoon and evening listening to Mr. Robin sing. So delightful. I knew everything must be right with my world when he was singing his song.

He left when Winter arrived.  It was a sad day for the neighborhood. Mr. SQ and Mr. Robin are having to say their good byes. It is fall, time for the Robin's clan to move on. The parting was very sweet. I sat and listened as Mr. Robin sang his last song to us.

I got one shot before he left. I guess we will see them in the spring... I hope so. They were good neighbors.  I look forward to their return, according to the ground hog, it will be early this year.

Tags: Home Nature Humor Animals


Viewing 1 - 1 out of 1 Comments

02/06/2020 13:19:19

I can't identify much with squirrels, and robins are around here in the spring, but we do have one squirrel who was always challenging the birds at their feeder. He has gone elsewhere now, since Mama Black Bear demolished the bird feeder. We did think it was funny to see the squirrel enjoying a "munch" while hanging upside down on the feeder. 

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