Viewing 1 - 8 out of 8 Blogs.
Here are things that are on my mind tonight! What is it my cat is saying when she follows me around all day meowing at me! Why can't I understand her!! Most of the time, she is very clear what is needed, like: time for bed, time to get up, time for food! Why do I have to be busy all the time? Maybe it's because I have never finished a job I started!! I have tried to complete things, but I get distracted by having to take something into another room and "Oh dear, there is something that needs to be done in there! Sooo I start working in that room until I have to take the towels to the washer and BAM, start the laundry, then I am back to where I started and pick kup where I left off!! These are the things that are on my mind! So, where do I start?? With the Lord in the morning with my coffee! We share our time together and HE is helping me to write down my "to do" list, then work to accomplish one thing at a time so I can cross the chore off my daily list!! My devotion time is very special and I am learning to listen and hear His voice!! Boy, sometimes there are things you don't want to hear. My adventure into discovering who/what I am is quite interesting! Food choice? Bread is not a high priority! Vegetables, fruits, grains and such are good! I like spicy food! Water is beginning to taste good. Even working out is beginning to sound good. Because I am "out of shape," I know it will be awhile before I can do a marathon, or climb the Columbia Center!!! Well, maybe I may never do the climb thing! Do I remember how to ride a bicycle?? I don't know, but I may try someday soon! WATCH OUT WORLD, WOMEN RIDER COMING THRU!! I am enjoying the decorating of my home. I am discovering my taste is not contemporary, I am learning how to paint furniture, doing different finishes on furniture. Maybe I am a Shabby Chic type person. I know love to find a good bargain and work it into something awesome. So, now my mind is cleared!! For Now!!!
Have you ever wondered "who am I?" That is the adventure that I have undertaken at this point in my life!!! Yea, I am a "senior", but that doesn't mean I know who I am! I have been a daughter, a wife, a mom, a single mom, and then grandma hit! Wow, so, Who am I, what do I enjoy doing, eating, reading, going???? I loved Chuck, BUT, I don't like peanut butter!, Western movies are not my favorite, Staying home is fun! I kinda like being a homemaker and trying my hand at restoration, painting, sanding. All the the things I didn't have the time or energy to try before. I have some many ideas for my little home, I can't wait for the weather to get warmer because I will be doing some of the things that are on my "to do" list!! Besides, I have found some amazing places to shop for doors, windows, drawer pulls. Here my motto, "Never pay full price" comes out!! These places are salvage, restoration, 2nd hand stores. I LOVE THEM. This is all part of finding out who I am!! AMAZING. Interesting areas are opening up to me. I can't wait for more of ME to discover who is here!! There are times when I feel like an onion, peeling back layer after layer. We will have to wait to see who Jean really is!!!!
As I sit here in this hospital room, watching my wonderful husband wait for Jesus to come take him home, I am amazed at the peace God has given me. I look at him and wonder what he sees. Does he smell the sweetness of Jesus in the room? Can he see the streets of gold and the crystal sea? Can he see the angels around bed waiting for him?? Can he see those who have gone ahead of him waiting to welcome him home?
Our sons talk about what a great dad he has been. What an example he has set for each of them. He was a mentor, an advisor, an example of what a husband should be, how to handle circumstances that aren’t always the best. How to live by example, showing others respect even under the toughest times. He showed gentle love, trying always to see good in every one. Work ethic was something he did, not trying to explain.
Loving the Lord with his whole heart, trying always to be the hands of God extended. His heart is as big as all outdoors. No one was too big or too small for him. Always a good word, a smile and if needed a hug, just because.
When working, everyone else needed to be taken care of first. As a janitor, he did many different kinds of things to help each department. Played Lincoln logs with day care, sometimes dolls, whatever the kids asked, he took time with them. They loved him and called him the gentle giant!
This man has been the love of my life for almost 37 yrs. We have had an incredible life together. We have traveled, learned to play golf; not good, but we had fun, raised kids, grandkids, and strays that needed a place to stay for a season. We have shared joys and sorrows together, sometimes wondering if God was close and putting these “opportunities” in our path for a reason we needed to learn something. We have lost parents and siblings to the Lord. Yes, it hurt and it was hard, but we are stronger for each lesson learned.
God, please be gentle with this child of yours. I don’t want to let him go, but I know our ways are not your ways. You have a better plan for each of us. Use his life to bring others into a loving relationship with you.
I love you Lord, and I can now release him into Your care and loving arms.
We know that April showers bring May flowers. But do we give credit to the one who causes the rain and the flowers to “do their thing”? Or are we so busy being critical of the rain and the flowers that cause allergies, and hay fever that we forget to stop and smell the flowers, see the rainbows and enjoy the season for what it is. A new beginning! How many times have we heard or said that we are sick of the rain and need to have sunshine?? We get depressed because of the gray skies and rain, but fail to see that we need both to have the new life of spring to begin, and if we look deep within, we will find that we do have SONSHINE!! So let’s start saying “Thank you, Lord, for all you do for us, for all you give us, and for all that you trust us with to take care of for you.” As a human, it seems we are never happy with where we are, or what we have. It is either too hot, to cold, too wet or too dry! Scripture says in 1 Thessalonians 5:16 - 18, “Be joyful always, pray continually; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” In Philippians 4:11, Paul writes, “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” Can we honestly say that we are joyful, pray continually, or that we have learned to be content in any circumstance? After thinking on these things for a while, let’s see if our attitude will change if we center on the SONSHINE!!!!!!
After have an "old" birthday, I have decided to try and find my family from childhood! So, If you are a Terpstra from Minnesota, or related to one, let me know. That is the dad side of the family. Now McDonald side from Montana is the other side. Would like to catch up with you. You can private message me too. Thanks all!! I posted this about 3 weeks ago,! After that time I have had 00 responses. So today I wrote this: I guess I don't have any family from years gone by that look at facebook or old friends either, haven't heard a work from anyone. Ya think they don't remember me or just don't want to admit they know me or are related to me?? I didn't think I was was that bad as a kid or younger person. Oh well, so much for what I think, Huh???? Anybody from Minnesota still around? THat is that knew me!! Now, I am going to wait and see if I actually have any family left that claim me!! If not, I guess my kids are stuck with me! and my honey too, of course!!! Either way, I know out in the big wide world, there is someone related to me!! COWARDS!!!!
Well, I have found justification for buying purses!!! It is in the bible!!! Yup, of course I took it out of context to meet my "NEED". So here it is, Luke 12:33, NIV, "Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out,". Of course there is more, but that is the part I needed. My husband says I can't use that as justification because it is out of context, but I say, I am not the only one that uses parts of bible to my use. I love purses, so why not. Now I need to find something to justify shoes!! Any Ideas??? My Red hat group is planning a tea. Anyone have ideas for small desserts? Or maybe a chilled salad that can be served in a foil cupcake cup?? Thanks.
Hi alll, just needed to let everyone know there is life after kids, and grandkids and great grands!! This year, we,my honey and I had a very quiet Thanksgiving!! Just us and our youngest son and daughter in law!! After years of having at least 8 -15 people around for Thanksgiving, the 4 of us had a good QUIET time. Very different! Of course, the day wouldn't be complete without a cooking mishap! Mine was turning on the wrong burner and having the potatoes done at 9am and the giblets not cooking for gravy! So, after the GREAT start, things went pretty good! Forgot to put some of the ingredients in the stuffing, the gravy wouldn't thicken up, but the turkey was good and so were the mashed potatoes, even if we did have to warm them again!!! WE had fun and got to talk to all the kids scattered all over the country to wish them a Happy Thanksgiving. Hope you all had a great day, because in spite of everything, we did!!!!
Trying to write a blog with a new laptop keyboard is a challenge. Getting it to post on the web site is another challenge. My solution, write it in word and copy it over. We had an awesome summer this year. We went to St George, UT and had friends from AZ join us for a few days. I had a chance to visit w/my granddaughter. What a beautiful young lady she is turning out to be. Anyway, we had a chance to see the play, Mary Poppins, at the amphitheater called Tuacahan. This is a beautiful venue in a canyon. It is a dinner theater too. Anyway, it was only 110 degrees at 9 pm. Yup, it was HOT. That was during late June, when they were having a heat wave setting records with days of 117 degrees. The play was great, fun to see Mary Poppins fly in over the audience. If you ever have a chance to get to St George, I would strongly suggest going. It is beautiful and October is better that June or July!!!! Oh, now that fall has come upon us, I am having a time trying to explain to my Easter lilies that it is fall and they are not to be blooming now. Yup I have 3 blooms on my plant and it is outside!! Well, I guess that shouldn’t surprise me too much. I have a Christmas cactus that blooms at Christmas and Easter! A Thanksgiving cactus that blooms for Mother’s day and Thanksgiving, but I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised. These plants have been around the family for a while and they are used to weird! Now for some domestic news. I am working on updating my kitchen. I plan to paint, replace door knobs, drawer pulls and light fixture. I do have the colors picked out, and the chandelier bought, but the problem I have is that my kids keep telling me not to climb on the step stool, because you could fall!!! Well, I could get the painting done too!! My poor honey just asks me to finish one project before I start another one. I would love to do that, but I get side tracked easily. So, I have about three projects going now, and of course my anemia came back with a vengeance, so everything came to a halt for a while. My iron is being infused and I only have one more to go and I ready to continue my projects. My goal is to be done by Thanksgiving. I DO have a dream; it is for a French Country kitchen. Colors are green, yellow and blue. My RED hat group is getting excited about an outing I have planned, we are going thrift store shopping. That is another vise I have. I love to shop thrift stores and antique stores. Will tell you all about when we are done!! Well, can’t think of anything else to say for now, maybe one more thing! I am a Mary Kay beauty consultant and if any of you are interested, you can visit my website at www.marykay.com/jlacoss and have a look around.