good-morning, been really busy the last few days. taking advantage of nice days to get all of my outside stuff done before it gets cold out. hope all is well with you and you are enjoying this fall season..marykay
i really want to start my garden, but the weather here is so fact we still might get some snow. i've started a few plants in the house...waiting
March first has come in like a fresh spring day and each day is to be warmer and warmer. It would be ever so nice to have spring weather now but March can change up north off and on as old man winter still wants to stay. I will enjoy the spring days during this March . Thinking about the tulips that were planted last fall. What a treat to enjoying them during the spring time. May you have a wonderful week and I will do the same up north. Smiles Gloria
Laughter is therapy for physical pain, emotional pain, and the everyday pain of life. ~Terri Guillemets