Like a fine wine, better with age
Female 77 years old Keysville, Virginia United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1165
[ 14 ]
08/15/2020 13:41:15 |
Romantic comedies, musicals
Any type except heavy metal or rap.
Mysteries in the genre of Agatha Christie.
I'm a native of Boston, MA. Avid Red Sox can take the girl out of Boston, but you can't take the Red Sox out of the girl!! LOL!
I live in the community of Lake Monticello, VA, 40 west of Richmond. My household members are Sophie, my border collie, Reiko and Mookie, my 2 feline friends.
I love to travel, especially by car where I can take the road less traveled.
Cooking, reading, genealogy, hiking, traveling, road trips
Flying (at least not any more)
vamunchkin has 1 friend(s)