"Nothing happens unless first we dream."
Female 68 years old brisbane Australia
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Profile Views: 1028
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03/06/2009 22:27:35 |
Tootsie ( my all time favourite )
Dirty Dancing
Any richard gere, patrick swayze, robin williams movies.
City of angels
Pretty Woman
soft rock
phil collins
elton john
anything that dannielle steel has written
technically im a widow now. my husband passed away last december but we had been seperated for quite a while, we never offically divorced.
i have three grown up children ( girl and two boys ) and two grand children ( girl and boy ).
i live on an island just off the mainland of brisbane, queensland, australia.
last august the love of my life and soul mate died in the USA. we had plans of a future together and i was planning to move over at the end of last year. i miss him everyday and wish i could hear his voice one more time. we had been together for six years. they say time heals, but i still cry everyday and wait for the phone to ring, but i know its not going to happen. people say to move on but i dont know if i can or if i want too. i really never knew what love was until i fell in love with darrell.
i work at a community centre on the island. we help people who need help financially with food vouchers and advice, sometimes they just want to talk and have a cuppa. ive only lived here for a few years and island life can be a little hard to get use too, particually the iscolation from the mainland. only transport the mainland is by ferry.
i will probably add to this in the next few days.
Being with my grand angels.
days i dont have to go to work.
cool breezes on a warm day.
listening to the rain while snuggled up in bed
Doing housework
People who lie
Horror movies
I play gin and crib online with a wonderful group of people.
suduko puzzles
anything to do with the internet
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