Just Carrol
Female 82 years old Perry, New York United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1215
[ 33 ]
06/26/2012 19:43:20 |
Dance with the White Dog,The Awakening Land,From Here To Eternity,Snowdogs
Most any Christian Music and the oldies from the 50's such as Bill Halley and the Comets,Chubby Checker,Jerry Lee Lewis, even Elvis
Romance , Mysteries,Biogrophies,
Without a doubt good Hamburgers made at home and most kabobs.
I was born and raised in Western New York and presently live in farm country.I have 3 sons and 2 daughters and 7 granchildren. I have been a widow for 9 years. I have a 2year old Black Lab and a 22 year old yellow tiger cat.I love trees and flowers and my family is important to me.
family, friends,good books,pitching Horseshoes andwalking
rude people,most television shows, mechanical problems and anything that needs repairs
reading,pitching Horseshoes, going for walks with my dog, playing cards and sneaking off to play the slot machines when possible
vickie3me has 5 friend(s)