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Happy Spring, Vi and The Country Bumpkins

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I really do not have allot of movies I like.
Living in the Country you do not get to go to movies often.
I do and still watch no matter what time of year it is. The Polar Express, It is a movie that really touches my heart as it keeps the gift of Santa going for Children.

I am going to stick this here. I Want To Live is one of my all time fav's from John Denver. I listen to it and sang it with him as I was growing up. I would now like to share it with all of you for it is a song that touches my Heart and the words of this song was and is how I felt for many years. Hubby found this in his wanderings around. So I want to Thank him for finding a song that is dear to my Heart.

Well I was rasied on Country Music, My Grandfather played the fiddel for a band called the Texas Wonders and my Aunt Kay at the age of 17 started singing with him. He played music for a radio station in Witichta Fall's Texas.
Aunt Kay went on to sing with Buck Owens, from the late 60's to early 70's. I have recovered all of Kays albums but one.
I also like John Tesh, Toby Kieth, Sugarland, Carpenter's John Denver.

This is Kay she is my Aunt-Dad's Sister. when she sang on the Buck Owens show,
Kay was the first Country Female to sing Truck Driving Songs as Well as Honky Tonk Songs.
Kay is alive and doing well. She lives with her husband Buck Moore who wrote the song Paint Me a Burming Ham. Kay also use to sing in a Band with My Grandfather Charlie Adams. he played the fiddle.
We were able from a real to reel tape that was found pulled 29 song off of it with my Grandfather playing the fiddle. It as a great moment for us to gather some of that family history. When we went to the family reunion this year I made 3 Cd's of their songs. They were gone in a flash. I guess next year I am going to have to make more cause it seems like everyone in the family wants one.
You can also read about Kay Adams at this link.


I first heard this song on General Hospital when Johnny played it. I simply fell in Love with this piece. It is a very calming piece of music.
It is Called Nocturne by Billy Joel

I read many kinds of books. I Love Animal stories, and have allot of them here. My all time fav is James Harroit of All Creatures Great and Small. I learned allot about how to take care of my critters through him. He was simply wonderful as a country vet.

St Paddie's Day Suprize

ST Paddie's Day Suprize (Paddie) March 17, 1997 to Sept 7, 2008
Paddie was a long awaited dream and was a seed in my heart for three years. I had asked the breeder Mary who was also my best friend ( Passed away on March 7, 2005 to do a special breeding as I want a pup from that dame and sire because of the wonderful tempermaent they had.
Paddie finally go here in March 17 and I felt we had the Luck of the Irish on our side. The first time I picked him up was when he was 3 hours old. It was Love at first sight.
Paddie at 4 months old Won Ol' Roy Dog of the year in Levelland Texas. At 6 months in Lubbock Texas he got first point towards his Championship. Paddie showed for a few months after that getting many ribbons. He and I finally had to give his showing up one day as he got long hair. The breeder offered to take him back but I would not have it as I was hooked on Paddie.
Paddie was my Heart and Soul dog. Loosing him has been so very hard. He went in his sleep. Mom says he more then likely went this way cause he knew how sad I would be when he left.
Paddie will always remain in my Heart.


This Candel will always burn bright in my window, for all of the ones who have gone to the Bridge that it will help light their way to get there.
For all of the Fur kids that have already gone to the Bridge.
And for all of the fur kids and children that suffer abuse that they have a light to know one day they will be helped, this light I pray will guide the way for them.

I Love the color Purple as it is a healing color.
I also like to wear purple and orange and browns I am what they call warm colors, and let me tell you my body stays warm to. In the middle of winter windows will be wide open and Hubby will come in and start closing every one of them.
But I do like a snow covered night and the Fire Place Lit. It is so Warm and cozy.

I like just about any thing although my Fav's are Shrimp, Crab, Lobester, And Taco's can never seem to get enough of them.

July 2013-- And yes I am very long winded. I just wanted to update on a few things. After we lost Bou and Sassy around Easter this Pit Bull girl showed up in our yard. She was starved as she had major ribs showing and she had Mange. It took me 5 days to get her to come to me and after she did there was a bond of Love formed. She also had mange. I did not know what kind till we went to the vets. He said she had Red Mange, she was born with it and it will take 6 months to 1 years to get cleared up. He has to see her every month. I was in a panic and went looking for ways to pay for her treatments. Well God is good and a friend is funding her treatment. The mange is slow in going away and I see days of improvement and then days where we are not.
Brandie photo DSCF08131_zps0a119598.jpg
It is my hopes to one day take Brandie out and do visits. I am hoping she can and will be an Ambassador for her breed. But until that happens we will keep treating her, Love her and make sure is safe and will not ever have to go hungry again.

I thought I would add this picture in Memory of our Friend Ken who we learned died in 2009, he is here with St Paddie's Day Suprize playing Santa for Christmas pictures that year. He is truly missed and I know he and Paddie must be having so much fun together.

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6th Dec 2012
Allot has changed around here lately and I know I have not been very good about doing updates. I was so sick for so long and just did not keep up with things.

7 April 2012 we lost our toughest little Rat Riler Precious. Precious went due to AHA it is bad stuff. Even with the best of vet care her little body just could not carry on.

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It was a great loss for us and we missed her so very much. What made it hard is the vet who took care of her in Amarillo would not let us pick her up to bring her home cause it was Easter. We had to leave her. My Mom and Dad did go to pick her up for us and buried her at their house.

While wondering around the net one night I came across this cute little face of a 5 month old Chi named Buddy, he was at a Foster Home in FCHS I made arrangement to go see him. It was like he knew just how bad our hearts were hurting. He laid his head on my chest and then started to lick me. I just went into tears and ran out to show hubby. He laid his head on his chest as well. All hubby could say was Okay, Okay. We were just in tears and happy all at the same time. Buddy came home with us on Tues.

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This is Buddy with one of the toys he got for Christmas. I must say that he a Prissy have all kinds of sock Money toys as it is one of their favorites. He is such a cutie .
This is a picture of Buddy with his pal Hawkeye who is now 12 years old.
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Then we got Prissy, she came from a small shelter in Satanta. She was afraid of many things, she now has grown into quite a lovable little girl.

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She now cuddles under the covers, she loves treats and she loves to play with Buddy and the Cats. I am so Happy that Buddy and Prissy chose me to be their person. I have learned to that Prissy Loves her toys.

Hummm what can one say?
I was born May 17 in Holyoke Mass. I am the oldest of 8 and the first Grandchild on my Mom's side of the Family. I Love the Fall and Winter time of year and of course coming from Mass it is easy to know why.
I live in the Rolling Hills and Canyons just off the Cimerron River in Kansas. We sit on 200 acres of land. I live with Hubby and The Country Bumpkins. We just lost our Monarch on Sept 7 2008 his name was St Paddie's Day Suprize. He was born March 17 1997. He has been greatly missed by all of us.
I work as a Private Care giver and have for the past 25 years. It is a job I really love and I learn something new every day.
I am the Mom to 5 all grown up now and the Grandma to 7. My Grandchildren have brought so much love and joy in my life. I am always trying to figure out what I can do next for them.
I am a Foster Mom to a Rescue group here in Kansas.
So Far I have taken in 3 litters of Pups and one litter had Mom with them. I have always Loved Critters since I was a little girl. I am also very much a nature girl and love to spend my time with Nature to see what and how I can capture it's beauty.
I have 3 Basset Hounds Andy, Andy passed away Sept 1 2009. He was my pixy clown. He was 12 years and 5 months old. Andy came to stay with us when his person passed away in March of 2005. He had quite a hard time adjusting but once he did it was like he had been with us all his life. We will truly Miss Him.
Lilly and Trapper-Lilly and Trapper are son and daughter to Paddie and Abbie. Paloma is Great Pyrenees/Lab, Hawkeye is a Dauchy Cross rescue from Lubbock,Texas, Betty is 15 years old Chi Betty passed away in Oct 2009 and Precious is 11 months Chi. Precious turned 2 Jan 1 2010 She passed away in 2012.
7 plus cats, Big Bou 16 Big Bou passed away a week before Easter 2013 he was 20 years old. Sassy Cat 4 Saddy Kat our lion around kat passed away Easter Eve after he got sick, he was at the vets 3 weeks and just could not kick what had gotten him. He was 9 years old., Spook3 Crash 2 Ying and Yang siam twins 2
16 Chicken we not have 6 chickens and lost our rooster July 2013 he was 9 years., Baby horse 25, Tinker Bell Cow 12 and the birds. 1 Cockatiels and 1 Parrots.And 5 ducks
So this is my family here.
I also stop looking at things through the eyes of people. I did not like all the hate, wanting to hurt someone, get back at someone, the only place I knew where to go so I did not see these things were to look at things though the eye's of my Critters as I found that to be a wonderful and Safe place to be. They give me lots of warm fuzzie's and never ask for any thing. After seeing how much I was Loved by Paddie I decided that is where I want to be.

baby vi
This is me as a Baby--- was I not cute? The blanket I am on is what we called the sick blanket. Mom use to wrap us up in when we were sick.

Hummmm good question!!
I have though about this, A fall evening and watching the Barn Owls fly! My Hubby and Grandkids. My kids and Mom and Dad. Fall in Massachuetts. The smell of snow in the air.Photobucket

This is a picture of some Baby Barn Owls. This was taken at my home in Texas. We share our house with them for 15 years. I never grew tired of watching them and even the Barn Owls who are here now I never grow tired of.

jenny& bumbles

This is one of my fav pict's. This is my Granddaughter Jenny Lynn at two years old with Bumbles. Jenny is now 16 years old. My how time Flies.

I do not like people making fun of other people. I have spent my entire life nearly going through this. What is sad is it is done by people who do not even know me.
I do not like abuse to the Elderly and if I see it happening I will jump in and kick some butt. I am not tolerant of this because I work with them and know them probly better then a family memeber.
I will not tolerate abuse to a Child or an Animal. I have spent many years doing rescue work and taking care of sick and abused animals. There is no reason for it.
Children well I am now learning that you do not have to hit or smack a child a round to get it to listen. This was a major wake up call for me as I learned new ways to deal with my grandchildren. My daughter is very good with childeren and has taught me how to respect them for the little person they are.

I Love to Craft, Make shirts, cook and bake, grow my garden, I grow all kinds of veggies and herbs to. When I use the herbs boy does my house smell good, I love to cook with them. and put things up for the winter. And sew for my Dogs and make new cloths for them as well.

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05/17/2021 20:45:49

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