Beach Bum
Female 98 years old Tucson, Arizona United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 6388
    [ 1152 ]
Christian - other |
06/16/2024 16:30:03 |
Give me a Pink Panther movie with Peter Sellers! I like entertainment, not drama!
Done some singing, mostly trio and quartet, some solo. I was a "Sweet Adeline" for many years so I sang three quartets over the years.
Sally Poor @ 1-520-730-0670
Transplanted Hoosier via Phoenix to California. Now in Tucson.
Age 96. Born in Indiana, moved around after that. Husband #1 was in the Navy, we had one son who is a Space artist. (now deceased) Met husband #2 in Phoenix and we had a daughter. Met husband #3 in Phoenix, and I finally got it RIGHT! UPDATE: My wonderful husband passed away at Christmas 2010 of COPD, after 43 years of marriage. He was, and still is my hero. Now my son died @65in 2017, and daughter died @58 in 2020.
I have lost both of my children now!
Friendly people, "down to earth" with a keen sense of humor. Good conversation...
Computer Graphics Paint Shop Pro
wdandpat has 23 friend(s)