I am still a work in progress and so is my profile
Female 87 years old Dixfield, Maine United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 838
[ 31 ]
Christian - other |
10/29/2008 13:52:12 |
I love movies with happy endings and comedy such as "What About Bob","Arthur","Son-in-Law".I can watch most any kind of movie that is not filled with violence can't watch War movies. Terms of Endearment is another favorite. I guess I like "chick flicks" as opposed to gangster movies or Westerns. My favorite at the moment is "The Hours". I have watched it at least a dozen times as it has a complex plot and I found it difficult to follow. WIP
I like most music it depends on my mood. The only music I dislike is Rap mainly because I can not understand what they are saying. I do love Stomp and rhythmic music, I guess you could classify it as Tribal.I love ABBA,Barry Mantelo,John Denver,
It really depends on my mood but some would be purple in any shade,aqua,certain shades of yellow,green,pink,peach. I had my colors done many years ago and I am a Fall so I do like pretty much all fall colors. My strange combination of dark brown eyes and blond hair with red highlights makes me a combination of fall and Summer I think.
Work in Progress
I have been married to my husband for 54 years. Yep I was a child bride. We have 3 children two Sons and a Daughter, three Grand children, two Grandsons and a Granddaughter and two Great Grandchildren, Michael who is 7 and Olivia who is 5.They bring joy to me. I was born in Brooksville, Florida and moved to Maine with my Mother and my older Sister when I was about 10.I love Maine but Florida will always be home. They say "You can take the girl out of the south, but you can't take the south our of the girl" in my case that's true.I have 3 Sisters one lives in Florida, one in California and one in Alaska so we are scattered to all four corners of the USA.
I am a Clinical Laboratory Supervisor or at least I was for many years until was no longer physically able to work. I worked in the hospital laboratory for several years then I set up two separate Clinical Labs. for different Doctors in their office practices. The last one was the first one in the State of Maine to be accredited by the Dep. of health and welfare. It took a lot of work but I was very proud of that achievement have also been a Teacher, an Avon Lady,a Girl Scout Leader, A Den Mother, A Sunday school Superintendent, a choir director. My husband and I went to El Pass Tx.and set up a company for the company that he had worked for for 30 years.I went with him to Texas for a vacation while he worked and ended up setting up the office instead. Nuff for now, I'm beginning to bore myself. WIP
I like people who are sensitive to other peoples feelings people who are kind,loving compasionate & honest. Well doesn't everyone? I love being around the water, any body of water will do. I use to live on a lake and really miss the soothing sound of the water movement, the frogs singing at night and swimming in and boating on the water. I love animals,flowers,music, jewelry,sweet smells,walking through the woods,thunder showers. These are a few of my favorite material things.Spending time with those who care about me such as family is precious time spent. WIP
I don't like hypocrits,bigetry of any kind,people who judge others without knowing or caring what challenges life has handed them.I don't like having to deal with Fibromyalgia, it really cramps my style and keeps me from doing things that I would love to do such as sky diving, cliff diving, o.k. well maybe these are the extream things I would do if I could but sometimes it is the simple things that bug me like having a "Swiss Cheese Brain". Go ahead you can trust me with your most private secrets,I won't tell cauz I probably won't remember them.LOL
This a hard one because I have Fibromyalgia, I can no longer participate in many of my hobbies but in my "other life" before Fibro., I loved swimming, dancing,exercising, working in my flower garden, reading, watching T.V. reading a good book, working on the computer, knitting and singing in a choir or group.These days the only ones that I can do some of the time are really the most sedentary ones like reading, T.V.,working on the computer and spending short periods of time in my Flower garden. WIP
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