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mem_normal OFFLINE
57 years old
United Kingdom

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Profile Views: 1226
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JOB: Medical
DRINK: Sometimes
RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 03/01/2009
STAR SIGN: Capricorn
LAST LOGIN: 03/13/2009 16:52:30

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LIke old fashion movies, and black and white too.

There are so many, and these are some of my favourites: caroselle, king and I, gone with the wind, dirty dancing, jumping jack flash, (with woopie goldburg),,she is great.

Also: also films in with patick, in ghost film.
bridges of madson, with clint eastwood,

Doris day, stardust, starwars, and much more.xxx

I like musicials, and these are great.

LIke home on the range, meetloaf, dirty dancing music, bathoveen, and this is great..

Also like: cats music, 70, 60, music, and there are lots of favourties,

80's and 90's are great too..

I like old fashion books, : finding out about places, to go, and how things work.

Nice to see how things looked, a long time ago.

Also like collecting cookery books, and have about 10 of these so far..

All the recipies, which is great to try and to taste, of course,,

Also like katie flynn, and she writes about england and where she grew up.

Hi my favourtie color is : red, and all the shades of these..

Also yellow, as this is so warming, and there are so many wonderfull things, with this.

Pale blue, orange , green and this has so many wonerfull things, like nature

My favourite food is lamb, chicken, fish and fresh vegetables,. you cant beat this,

Like making chicken dinners, stews, cakes, home cooking, pumkins are great too.

Also like fresh bread, and have made my own before. yummmyyy..

I like talking to people, and making them welcome.

Also , like to swap recipies, and talk about films, and much more.

have lots of friends, and deciding is so hard,

will do later...

My birthday is December the 26, and this has just gone.

Also make my own jewlry, and let me know, if you would like me to show you some..

will put some on page later.

Me i'm fun loving, caring, and kind.

I treat people as i would like to be treated.

I have red hair , and this is long , at the moment.

love to go to different towns, and country sides, as this is a nice way of seeing the towns, and lanes, and all the people.

I like meeting people, going for walks, and seeing all that nature has provided for us all.

also like: home cooking and keeping a nice home, meeting up with friends, and keeping upto date with tecknology,, as this is important.

Love wildlife, gardening, sun rise/sunset,LOVE poetry,.(EMILY BRONIE0 AND MOE.. and these are great.

rainbows, fresh cut grass, bread, leather goods, as these smell great,,

Also like: making my own jewlry, and doing on my computer , to find out whats happening.

love to go on holidays, to see other places/people..

The tastes/sounds , are great wherever I go,,

Don't like abuse of any kind, or anyone hurting animals, kids or each other.

dont like: polution , as this is getting worse, and spoiling our country sides and more.

Dont like shouting, or been shouted at, and dont like grey clouds all the time, as this gives me terrible headaces..

I like gardening, reading, making my own jewlry.

like walking, meeting new people, having a nice meal, going to the movies, and even watching old movies..

Like swimming, looking at old shops and seeing what they have to offer.like antique shops, charity, book shops, and more.

This gives me a buzz, when i find something unusual, like musical boxes,,

wildriver1 has 8 friend(s)

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