Sit On Down And Stay Awhile.
Male 75 years old Zanesville, Ohio United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 975
[ 4 ]
Christian - other |
03/01/2018 20:59:33 |
I don't watch much TV any more. I enjoy watching a good movie now and again, but don't get to very much any more.
Golden Oldies: I think that's what they call it now. (50's, 60's, early 70's) I like most music including Classical. What I don't like is Opera, and Rap Crap. Rap is O.K., but I'm talking about, so called, music the talks about shooting law enforcement and abusing women. I see no entertainment value in that.
My favorite color; that's a hard one. There are so many that I like it's hard to choose just one. I like what I like and I know it when I see it.
Red and Black have always been popular favorites with me especially combinations of Red and Black.
I also love Earth Tones and combinations of Orange and Black or Orange and Brown, also combinations of Yellow and Black and Yellow and Brown.
But, God put a lot of Blue and Green on the Earth and I like those too.
The last thing I wrote in here, has to be four years ago, after I was terminated from my job (I'd say laid-off, but I knew they had no intention of rehiring any of the people they let go that day).
Well, a lot has happened since then; no new jobs, but a lot of new resonsibility. I now take care of two handicapped/disabled adults; it just kind of happened that way. And now I'm busier and working harder than I ever have at any point in my life. No, no, not complaining, just the facts.
I don't get out much, well really not at all any more. And most of my income goes towards supporting the adults I care for. And so I don't get out.
It would be great if I had a friend I could visit once in a while; share a beverage (coffee, tea, whatever) and talk about whatever and maybe even give and get a hug just to reminds each other that there are people in this world that still care.
I don't have a lot of time to write, but I'm not against a Pen Pal type of friendship, but my idea of friendship goes a bit beyond pen and paper.
I am an open, honest, straight forward, and up-front man, I don't know any other way to be; I always say what I mean and always mean what I say. I never beat around the bush; I see no sense in it and have no time for it. This is the way I interact with others and the way I'd like them to deal with me.
I know; makes me sound a bit grumpy. Well, I have my moments just like we all do, but I wake up every morning and find a new reason to put a smile on my face. I love to see when people smile back; it makes my day. I love to laugh and see others laugh.
I could go on; I'm a pretty diverse individual with a wide range of interest, but there simply is not enough room here. And so why not drop by for a spell and find out more; you may be pleasantly surprised.
Open, honest, up-front, straight forward people - I wonder what they're trying to hide if their not.
People who say what they mean and mean what they say.
Big Trucks
Wood Working
People - I like people in general; I love helping people; I guess it makes me feel useful, but I just love helping.
I love to Smile and Laugh. I love it when someone returns a smile; it brightens my day. I love to laugh, see people laugh and love it when I can get someone to smile or laugh. I love to share.
To me they are all one in the same.
And Snow; snow has it's place, but I hate shoveling it and driving in it.
Just about anything to do with working with my hands.
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