Female 85 years old Barrie Canada
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Profile Views: 971
[ 35 ]
04/03/2009 22:19:34 |
Gone with the Wind, Sound of Music, Jane Froman Story.
The Oldies and Goodies. Also George Formby, Al Jolson, The Platters, Doris Day.
Mac, Cheese and Tomato casserole, Pot Roast, Salmon fillets.
Mother of 4, Gramma of 8, Great Gramma of 10. Before lost my mom in 97 had 5 generations.
( mommy to a female Jack Russell 5 yrs old Pet Rescue. granny to 2 male cats that are daughters.)
Lost L. Kidney to Cancer May 08.
Unconditional Love from My dog.
Morels, and lovely summer weather.
Older Music. Travelling to UK via my computer and seeing what I couldn't see when I was there.
Don't like Liars, and thiefs. Hate Snow and I am Canadian lol. Loud so called music of todays generation and the terrible sexy Movies and Tv shows. No wonder our world in trouble.
Computer games, puzzles, cards. Veg gardens and reading.
xmascarol has 7 friend(s)