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Marlene's talking machine

mem_normal OFFLINE
72 years old
Grainger County, Tennessee
United States

Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 2358
[ 446 ]

Referrals: 0
Who referred me: ktngirl

Profile Views: 2359

JOB: Disabled
RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 01/27/2009
LAST LOGIN: 08/05/2010 17:18:19

Dibblez Party
Arcade Champion: James
My High Score: N/A

The Notebook
Pretty Women
Fried Green Tomatoes
O Brother where art
Young & Restless

I like all of Elvis's songs.I like music from the 70 to the 90's the best,but I like all kinds of music except the head banger music.I like rock & roll.

The Bible-Danille Steel-Stephen King-VC Andrews-
Carrie Edwards
As long as the book makes me where I can't stop reading it

I love white blue is the second color,but all love all colors especially like a rainbow.When I see a mixture of all colors of flowers in a garden,it really catches my eyes on how beautiful it looks.

Got to have my coffee the first thing of the morning no more coffee after that,after that I drink cokes & tea.I love my chocolate!!Have to have a bite of it every night.I love chocolate milk everyday too.I like everything but mushrooms,black olives,lima beans,& blackeye peas.Never ate any foreign seafood except fish, shrimp & crab meat,the rest I can live without. [

I was born in Tennessee then moved to & raised in Salem Indiania then Louiville Kentucky then moved back to Tennessee when I was older.I have been blessed to have had 2 sons.I now have 2 stepgrandchildren & 5 greatgrandchildren,4 girls & 1 boy,with another one due this year.I only have one sister.I was saved at the age of 11 & have dedicated my life to God ever since.I some how started collecting hearts & angels,Jesus fiqurines,& hummingbirds.I seem to have hearts & angels as symbols in my life. My dad made me my first heart necklace out of wood when I was a very little girl.God gave me a big heart & lots of love & patience.My second husband & I have been married almost 24 years.Never believed in divorces but it happened to me on my first marriage.I am diabled from 2 brain stem strokes which affected me in alot of ways at the age of 51.I use to be very bashful until the age of 22,after that I started talking now I am making up for lost time.(ha!)heres what they say when they pass me up, theres o yakyak talking again.I like animals.I have 3 dogs & 2 cats.I like to see hummingbirds & alot of other birds which I feed.I am the youngest daughter.I have the blonde hair which runs on my moms side of the family,my sister has the dark hair.I am getting lots of that old gray stuff blending right in with the blonde.

I love to laugh,feeling happy in my heart & life.I like planting flowers.I love Roses.I love meeting new people and of course talking & getting on my computer,getting to meet you.I like taking pictures.I want to have memories from things I have seen in my life.My camara goes where I go.

Don't like my husband catnapping all the time.I don't like that I am getting older.I am to young to be old,& to old to be young.I still am young at heart & hope I will always be.Want to grow old gracefully but my menapause I don't think is gonna let me.(Ha!!)

I like reading my bible,books,watchng a good romatic movie & a good scary movie.I like music,fishing,riding in a boat,camping,swimming,planting flowers,decorating & shopping.I like the outdoors, watching birds,feeding them.Getting in the car just driving to look at the scenery of what God has given us.I like meeting new people & talking that is why they call me yakyak.Taking pictures of all events & things I see.

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06/06/2021 06:18:43

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