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mem_normal OFFLINE
56 years old
United Kingdom

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MEMBER SINCE: 05/12/2008
LAST LOGIN: 06/23/2009 07:18:25

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I love Sci-fi and Fantasy movies modern day or black and white such as Quatermass and the Pitt.
There are also some horror movies I may come out from behind my cushion to watch.
I love comedies and the odd girlie flick.

Legally Blonde
13th Warrior
Pirates of the Carribean
The Pacifier
Not forgetting the toonies, Shrek, Garfield etc
Sleepy Hollow
The day after Tomorrow

Its an awfully long list and if you not that there are several with J Depp and Antonio Banderos well what can I say....

I like a lot of music of different types. Mostly from the 80s when I would have the energy to go out and boogy on down. Though quiet a lot from earlier which I heard while growing up. I like to be able to hear the lyrics and love songs with a story and a good beat.

Fantasy and Sci-Fi mainly

I have always liked to wear dark colours especially black but when it comes to what colours I like in other ways I would have to say I like Aqua type blues and mid range pinks. I like the colours of autumn leaves and pastels, so I guess you could say I'm not really fussy.

Chinese food (licks lips) and oh my Chocolate and crisps and all of the foods that are not good for you except cream.

I'm not good at talking about me so this will be brief!
I am happily married to my soul mate and we have 2 rescued lurchers.
My parents live about an hour away by car as do my Brothers.
I have always loved being with people,
I like the sound of water, from the sea crashing on the rocks to the rain on the windows.
I love the salty smell of the ocean and mixed with the holiday resort smell of chips and hotdogs being cooked on the sea front Mmmmm hmmmmm

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Wow a broad subject: Where to start?
I like to spend time with my parents especially sitting in the sun in their garden with the sound of the fountain and the dogs running round.
I love my rescue Dogs!
I love all things fantasy, like Dragons, fairies and such and I love Sci-Fi too.
TV wise:The type of history that isnt all dates, Kings and Queens' names, you know the type How people lived and the like. Natural History and the Natural World.
Spending time with my parents.
I love anything Oriental or Egyptian.

I don't like people who are dishonest, selfish or take pleasure in hurting others.

I enjoy making cards, reading, spending time with my dogs, oh yeh and the hubby of course ;O) (cant forget the hubby) chatting and making friends.

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09/17/2021 07:15:24

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