Female 85 years old Ilton Somerset. United Kingdom
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06/01/2016 07:08:42 |
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Mar 21 2009, 2:38 pm by BettyB
Mar 16 2009, 10:58 am by BettyB
Nov 27 2008, 8:54 am by BettyB
Aug 30 2008, 3:16 am by BettyB
Aug 28 2008, 1:09 pm by BettyB
I enjoy old musicals...South Pacific, 7 Brides for 7 Brothers, Student Prince, Calamity Jane, Oklahoma, Carousel etc.
Historical films..Elizabeth 1,etc.
Out of Africa
Jock of the Bushveldt
Dislike films about war and violence and anything with bad language in it!
I do like watching wildlife documentaries on TV especially any by David Attenborough.
I enjoy a wide variety of Music from Classical to recent Pop
My favourite pieces are The Theme from a Summer Place, Spirit of the Great Heart from Jock of the Bushveldt and The 1812 Overture..
I Love everything by Frank Sinatra.
The 50's and 60's,(Beatles,Elvis, Motown)
Country and Western.
Some Traditional Jazz.
I like Books about Africa, especially ones by Wilbur Smith.
Historical novels.
Myspace Clocks at
Shades of Autumn.....
Terracotta, Gold, Green, All shades Brown.
I also like Blue.
My Husband always said there wasn't much I didn't like!
But I do especially like.....
A nice Cup of Tea!
Anything cooked on the Barbecue.
Fish and Chips.
Peri peri Chicken.
Pumpkin and Butternuts Roasted.
Guess he was right...there's not a lot I don't like!
We are lucky in the UK.....we get free mammograms. I have been clicking the Breast Cancer Site for a few years now so that I can help those who don't have this facility. Please click and look at their site.
I was born in Wolverhampton in the West Midlands England. I met my husband Keith in 1958 and was happily married to him for 47years until he passed away on 23rd February. I have 2 wonderful Daughters and a Grandson, who are even more precious now since losing the love of my life!
I trained as a physiotherapist and enjoyed my work until I retired in 2001.
In 1965 Keith and I went to live in Kamloops BC Canada, after 7 years (1972) we went to live in Rhodesia, (Zimbabwe)where Keith had grown up. We spent 16 very happy years there and we all learned to love Africa the way he did.
We came back to the UK in 1988 and lived in South Wales until 1997 when we moved to live in Ilton, Somerset, where I still live.
I like wide-open spaces,
The African Bush,
Walking on the Beach,
Inefficiency, loud music,bad manners and rudeness, undisciplined children,bad language.
Taking Photographs....I'm not brilliant, but I do enjoy it!
Computer....took me ages to get one but can't do without it now
My Garden.
