Female 42 years old St Helens United Kingdom
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1406
 [ 106 ]
02/26/2013 18:01:33 |
Dirty Dancing, sister Act 2, first 6 Saw movies, Harry Potter series, Day After Tomorrow, Men In Black, Da Vinci code, Ghost
I'll listen to almost anything, don't really like country music and heavy metal. My fave band at the moment are Foo Fighters and Coldplay
Anything that is put in front of me I'm not fussy
My family and friends know me as Louise, I'm from a large town called St Helens near Liverpool in the North west of England. I'm engaged to the love of my life called Tony and we are hoping to set a date for our wedding as soon as we can.
listening to music, reading, playing on the playstation, messing about with Jack and Jonathan, watching dvd's, cooking
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