Female 79 years old Ohio United States
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Christian - other |
08/04/2016 16:10:22 |
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Mar 26 2009, 2:51 pm by Callie
The last movie I saw was "Avatar". Very good movie. I'm one of those that could go to the movies every week!
I love gospel music. Good southern gospel. Other than that I'd have to say the music from the 60's!! I hate rap and opera. I do like what they call "easy listening" music.
I like to read but I just never take the time to set down with a good book. I've rented different books from the library but just never found any that I'd recommend to anyone. I read "The Shack" and once I started it, I couldn't lay it down.
I think it would be easier just to say that I'm not fond of brown. That's not a good color for me at all. I like bright colors for certain times of the year and pastels also. I wear alot of navy and pink. I like green but I honestly don't know if I have anything in my closet that's green.
Lately, well I should say, within the last six months I haven't been interested in eating much of anything. I've had stomach problems for about 12 years, plus major surgery on my stomach, and its never gotten better for me. Plus I'm lactose intolerant. If I could eat a meal of my choice without being in pain, it would be roast beef, mash potatoes, gravy and scalloped corn.
I grew up in rural Ohio and rode a school bus for 12 years to the same school building!! No kindergarden back then. Guess they figured we didn't need it. lol Married a year after high school and had 2 sons and 1 daughter. Divorced after 10 years and re-married later. No children with my 2nd husband. Worked from the time I was 13 years old, until I was 60. Now I'm retired and wished I was still working. I need to find something to do on a part-time basis. It would get me out of the house for awhile and I wouldn't have cabin fever!! lol
Spending time with my grandchildren and my children.
Taking a walk after a spring rain.
Being with positive people
Church & church family
My Lions Club
Bad hair days
Liver and Oysters
Men or Women who abuse their children
Animal abuse
Loud men or loud women!!!
People who are disrespectful & dishonest
Cross Stitch
Duplicate Stitch