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"Music is the soundtrack of your life". Dick Clark

74 years old

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JOB: Retired
SMOKE: Sometimes
DRINK: Sometimes
RELIGION: Catholic
MEMBER SINCE: 05/04/2008
LAST LOGIN: 12/26/2024 05:43:52

Arcade Champion: James
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Apr 24 2009, 2:05 am by Canuck_58
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One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, Forrest Gump, most films with Julia Roberts or Tom Hanks.

I love to watch movies that can make me laugh but at other times, I like a balance with a good one that makes me shed some tears.

Oh, there are so many different kinds I like. Of course, there is the music from the 50's (when I was a young girl and through my brothers, got to like it), the 60's as well.

I love to get lost in a good mystery. Maeve Binchy's style of writing is something I really appreciate. Norah Roberts I also find an excellent author.

Green and variations thereof, deep fuschia & aqua.
I also like red and fall colours.

One of my favourites is 'bami goreng', an Indonesian noodle dish (or as Kiwibarb calls it "Poodle Food")Smileycons!. Anything to do with fish and anything that has chicken in it is o.k. in my books.

Nama and Scatcat - two other Hill members I met of course here on NOTH.

I love to have fun and joke around with people. Laughter is so good for the soul. I can also be serious when necessary as long as it doesn't have to be for long periods - ha, ha.

When I left my country and came to the Netherlands, I had to learn to adapt to the culture - they eat meat, veggies and potatoes like us but in many ways, they are quite different, quite a 'sober' type. I have learned a lot from them since I came here in '83.

I like people who are fun to be with.
Getting together with friends to share a meal and having a few good laughs with them.

I love the smile my grandsons have for me when I open the door when they arrive.

I also loved my husband for being the great guy he was and the support he gave me in almost all my endeavours. Of course, once in awhile, he would tell me it is best not to do something and that was usually for my own good. He's gone now, passed away on April 10, 2011 and I miss him soooo much and right now I am just trying to find my way without him in this world.

I really like music and couldn't be without it. Sometimes it makes me feel good just listening to certain songs when I'm a bit down.

Something so simple as having baked a cake or made a good meal and the feeling of satisfaction it gives me when someone pays me a compliment.

In the warmer weather, I always loved getting on the back of the scooter with my husband and going out into the country with no particular goal in mind, just to have a relaxing day. Now that he is gone, I use my bike even more than usual.

I don't like seeing people hurt, especially children.

Don't care for self-centered people who cannot see that they might not always be right in what they think or say and also those who will not listen to what others have to say even if they don't always agree with them.

Reading, Cooking, Baking, Walking and of course, the computer. Noth seems to take up a lot of my time as well. I am having so much fun ever since I became a member and can't thank TC & EB enough for it and everything else they have done and continue to do for us all.

For a number of years, I have done different types of volunteer work with refugees, at my church, a drop-in center for Seniors and just before the end of 2010, I started a new volunteer job. I am a hostess on a small bus and along with the chauffeur, take Seniors on outings. Sometimes we just go shopping, others it may be a trip to a museum and once in awhile to a restaurant for a meal or whatever ideas we or they can come up with. This is one of the most enjoyable volunteer jobs I've had so far. The people we take out really seem to enjoy themselves and it's not just about the trip, it's also about the contact they have with each other. They are so thankful and one lady said to me on one of our trips: "If I wasn't out with the group, I'd just be sitting home alone."

Displaying 4 out of 210 comments
05/10/2024 11:11:11


Enjoy your day ....Hugs Sue

04/04/2024 19:14:17

Dropping by to say hello...beautiful page -:-)

05/09/2023 10:45:15


04/28/2023 12:09:38


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