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69 years old
United States

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Profile Views: 5735
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Profile Views: 5736

RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 01/11/2013
LAST LOGIN: 07/12/2015 12:51:46

Arcade Champion: James
My High Score: N/A

Music, gracious I have a diverse taste in music. I love to hear the voice of Johnny Horton, :) when he sings "Whispering Pines", "North to Alaska", and can't leave off "Sink the Bismarck". Another old singer was Ferlin Husky that sang a song named "On the Wings of a Dove", and I like that song. There are many songs that I like- remember the Milli Vanilli Duo, that wasn't really singing the songs? I loved the voice of whoever was singing. I adore "Knocking on Heavens Door", by Guns and Roses. Mercy Me sings "I can Only Imagine"; I adore that too. "El Shaddai" by Amy Grant... on and on. Love "Crimson and Clover"; diverse, for sure. Foreigner sings some great songs; loads of songs and music I like.

My all time favorite book is the Bible. It is mystery, it is comedy, romance, drama, horror, all in one. It is an addictive book, once you get into it really well and begin to understand it. It makes one hunger for more, and I have to have my daily amount of it. It is wonderful and Thank You God for the manual, or the map that is the Bible.

For a break in routine or to read while at the dentists or doctors office, I like Catherine Cookson, and Jean Auel. I like the books that Dr. Charles Stanley and different inspirational authors have written, also.

I like the foods that I was raised on, but have made some changes. I no longer eat pork, and very little red meat. I like some types of fish, and I like chicken, and almost all vegetables. I am foolish over greens, of all kinds. I love, love ice cream so much that I do not allow any in the house. I always keep some fresh fruits, and some SF, and FF things for when I have a craving, and/or for my sweet tooth.

I am 58 yrs old and I love, love to walk. I live with a boxer named Bendor, near the water. I am a Christian- a down to earth Lover of Christ, God the Father and the Holy Spirit. I love God so and have done an in-dept study on the Old Testament. There is nothing that compares to God's Love and His Mercy for us, His children. It is a grand testament to that, in the books of our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob. Our pastor teaches us from copies of the original scripts of Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek and there is nothing as interesting. I am thankful that I have a pastor who cares so much about what he says and how we are taught.

I have a daughter,an RN who works for Bay OTA Nurses and my son-in-law works for our local Funeral Home. He has been there for years and years. They have two sons. The older is a recent graduate of ITU, and the younger has just graduated from HLY Academy.
I am number four of six daughters, and my sisters are my close friends. My parents have recently gone to Paradise; Dad actually passed on 1/1/2013; Mom a few months earlier. On 1/17/2013, Roc, a beautiful female boxer, died at 4 years of age. I dearly loved her, and her leaving felt like another family member had deceased. I got Roc, and her brother Bendor when they were just weaned; now it is Bendor and me. In closing I am as honest as I can be, and I love God with all of me. I love Christ my Savior equally. Praises to God's Holy name.

I don't like perverseness; men marrying men and women marrying women. It is against nature, and against God's law. I shudder at the thought of abortions; those who have abortions, and those who provide them. That is murder, pure and simple. I don't like deception, taking what isn't yours against the others will, greed; I dislike the overbear- ing, that leads to control, which in turn leads to physical abuse. I don't like mistreatment of the vulnerable: our dear elderly people that helped to build up America into what she was, and what she will one day be again: the babies that can't defend themselves: the animals that don't have a voice or an advocate. I don't like snakes.

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