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mem_normal OFFLINE
70 years old
United States

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RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 04/21/2008
STAR SIGN: Sagittarius
LAST LOGIN: 11/28/2016 23:37:53

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Oh! There are lots... I'll see if I can narrow it down!... My Very Favorites would have to be The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and also: Contact; Star Trek (all); Indiana Jones (all- and can't wait for the new one!); Jurassic Park; Dances With Wolves; Pirates of the Caribbean; the Sixth Sense;

Eclectic... Classical: Mozart, Handel, Puccini, Vivaldi, Beethoven. I also love American Indian flute music, Celtic flute, whistle, fiddle, and bagpipe. I like some rock and pop from the 70's and 80's, and some Christian pop/rock, and some (new) Country. I am a big fan of both Andrea Bocelli, and Josh Groban, and sometimes listen to ambient sounds of Enya or Yanni, etc..,

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J.R.R.Tolkien's, The Hobbitt, and the Lord of the Rings trilogy; mysteries by Mary Higgins Clark, Agatha Christie, Patricia Cornwell and others; some sci-fi, autobiograhies, antique books, circa 1800's, one of which I am reading now.

I like shades of blue, pink and lavender.. can't pick just one. I also have begun to like yellow, even though I can't really wear it! Pale, like butter, or a bit sunnier.... it makes me feel upbeat :o)

I like to make things from scratch, and try my best to make them both good, and healthy too. My staples are chili, different soups, pasta salads and the like. I no longer eat red meat, and gave up white potatoes, and other white and refined foods. I now use whole grain flours, and eat whole wheat pasta, brown rice, make whole wheat bread, etc..,

I've always lived in VT, and am a 6th generation Vermonter- yup, a true "Woodchuck", as we say here!. I saw the ocean for the first time just 6 yrs. ago, when I went to Cape Cod with my cousin. The neatest thing was going on the whale watch and seeing several whales... I would only have been totally satified, however, if I'd been able to be close enough to actually touch one. I have a deep and abiding love for animals, and they leave me spellbound.

I like being a spiritual person, having a connection to my great PaPa, Jeshua, and the Holy Spirit. My life would be ungrounded without that anchor, that Rock. I love animals, cats in particular, Nature in general, including the sounds of water, birds, crickets and spring peepers. I love the feel of the wind against my face, and I love thunderstorms... I sense God's Power in the weather, and it remains the one thing that can still remind humankind that he is NOT in control of everything. It is the great equalizer... it humbles us. I see the Great Artist's work in everything around me, and am in constant awe at the Love, Wisdom and variety inherent in all of it. You can not separate the Artist from His Art.
I like people who take responsibility for their actions, both towards themselves and others; People who honor their integrity and who seek and respect the truth; Kind-hearted people who show love for others, even in small ways. I like people who can see the gifts/lessons in even, outwardly, "bad" situations. I like learning, expanding, growing and evolving into an ever more fuller spritual, emotional, and physical being. I like seeing other people who endeavor, with hearty spirit, to do the same. I like friendships where that happens... not where each person pats each other on the back and helps each other feel sorry for themselves so they stay "stuck". A friend loves you, challenges you, helps you face your "stuff", encourages you to grow, and celebrates with you when you do!

Lying, all types of abuse, phoniness, head-games; Impatience, anger, irresponsibility, both towards oneself, and others; Arguing to get a point across; valuing of material things, rather than on what dwells within; The seeming lack of conscience and remorse, combined with the above value system, seen in the younger generations... Very scarey. I don't like it when people choose a "victim mentality" to avoid having to take responsibility for something in their life, just because it's easier. No one ever said growing was easy!

Genealogy; reading; writing; crafts (needle arts and dollhouse miniatures..,); art; collectibles (several types); decorating; antiquing & yard sales; My Computer; spending fun time with my fur-kids ^. .^; Cooking; movies (home & out); TV; bird-watching

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11/23/2021 08:55:42

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